
QuantumInteger t1_j4ytwna wrote

Just call it humane euthanasia. We do it to dogs and cats at their end. Because we love them and don’t want to them to suffer. Why not also for human? Being able to choose your end is hell of a lot better than letting it come for you.


QuantumInteger t1_j2lolgu wrote

China is most certainly an aggressor state. They got that big by conquering their neighbors over several thousand years. You can ask the Tibetans, the Vietnamese, the Hainanese, Cantonese, or the people living on Formosa before it became Taiwan. China was an imperial power long before Western countries even mastered gunpowder.


QuantumInteger t1_ix5nog2 wrote

That’s a real long way away. Ukraine would still have to address deep systemic corruption and democracy related problems. To join the EU, there’s also consideration for public debt as a percentage of GDP (Ukrainian will require a lot of loans to rebuild after the war). That’s assuming the EU (hopefully) dodges the upcoming eurozone crisis (Italy’s debt crisis, probable recession in Germany, energy crisis, migrant crisis, fascist governments in Italy and Hungary, inflation, etc).