
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu67qpq wrote

This is crazy! From the article:

> Mr. Hylton-Brown’s crime that night? Driving a moped on the sidewalk without a helmet,

Like what about the pedestrian walking on the sidewalk?! Like there’s no justice for the bystanders and victim just trying to exist but this guy gets protests and the cops get fired and sued and no one asks or cares about the rest of us are dodging cars and bullets trying to go to work or the grocery store


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu67anw wrote

Question: have you lived in DC since before covid? If so, we’re hit and runs and car theft this bad before? Or it just the post-covid law enforcement (or lack there of) that’s causing it be so bad? I was literally crossing the street with the walk sign on, and some asshole who was stopped at a red light was staring me down then proceed to run the red light when I was about to take a step directly in front of him. I’ve never seen rat shit before I moved to DC but now it’s like so common I get nervous no matter what form of transport I’m taking


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu66hdf wrote

Then make the fines massive and remind people that driving is a privilege in a city that arguable has one of the best mass transit systems in in the USA. (WMATA is trash but coming from LA where the average speed of a bus is 3mph and there is virtually no subway system, it’s great) so the lack of a car would definitely hold you back in LA, but not in DC. I find I have to come up with excuses to actually drive my car. I’d sell it but I’m not committed to living in DC for several years and I don’t want to sell it now and buy a much more expensive one in. The future when I do decide to leave.