
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy2rnki wrote

100% on board for this! I specifically choose my car because the important buttons are manual: the volume, AC temp and fan speed. The other model had them buried under menus which was confusing and took me too long to stare at to figure out while behind the wheel


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy2qzki wrote

I mean the part about people be hind her being inconvenienced by stopping is stupid. She’s right about not being able to stop on a dime. The laws of physics say my 3,000lbs car needs a few hundred feet to stop and pedestrians are distracted by their phones and frequently step off the curb early. Or stand right on the edge with their toes and bellies hanging off around the tight corners.


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy2qp6y wrote

I agree that drivers don’t yield in this city and it’s unsafe to walk but in the opposite side I almost hit pedestrians staring down at their phone at least 1-3 times a week as they don’t look to see if it’s safe to cross before stepping off the curb


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy2qkfi wrote

Come to California we have 8 lane highways and people usually go 80.

The thing that slows people down is FINANCIAL PENALTIES. Put up more cameras and have police actually enforce traffic laws and watch as we see a sharp rise in traffic ticket income followed by a sharp decline in ticket income + road fatalities as people suddenly receive financial reminders that there are rules to the road.


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_ixs1wew wrote

Reply to comment by veloharris in Car-Having Etiquette by woodscomma_elle

This. Car owner here. I have an SUV. Moving myself without help is a huge drag. With another person it would have helped but not much. Next move I’m hiring movers. Also hoping my next move is into a place I own and will be living in for some time


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_ixbzozj wrote

Wrong. You aren’t eating 24/7. You are breathing 24/7, and always inhaling bacteria, viruses and spores into your lungs.

Also we don’t have acidic skin, there germs that live on our skin and the skin has its own microbiome.

The guy microbiome is the largest and that’s why you got 70% of your immune system in. Also imflammation doesn’t cause pain. There are smooth muscles all along your bowels that contract and expand to help move things along. Those can cramp and cause pain too.


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iwyz8h7 wrote

So weird and kinda fucked up story time : I worked in a burn intensive care unit for a while and when we got newly burned patients they always smelled like charred bar-b-que and I would be getting cravings for ribs or brisket. I know it’s gross but fuck they smelled good. Obvi I kept it professional but man I would always need to eat something after those experiences


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu7gqg1 wrote

Wait a min… is driving school not mandatory? Holy fuck no wonder it’s so bad here. Driving school should be mandatory with a minimum of 20 hours in class and maybe another 5-10 behind the wheel with an official instructor

Also for rich people the consequences of paying tickets is that their insurance rates go up so they’ll be paying higher insurance for a minimum of 5-7 years.


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu68frd wrote

I don’t care if they do or don’t pay the fines. Take their car away if they don’t pay. Make it so they can’t legally purchase a car from a dealer in the district. Like seriously these sociopaths should not be driving 1.5 tons of steel around a city killing regular people just going about their lives. I know I’m Not coming up with perfect ideas but I’m not an elected official. Go take those “what if” question to a city hall meeting instead of forcing a random redditor to play politician

ETA: the word not