Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iya5qig wrote
Reply to comment by nedit24 in D.C. lawmakers pitch a plan for ‘Green New Deal for Housing’ by stache_twista
I like the height limit. Keeps the streets sunny and from feeling like dark and gloomy Gotham city. Feels more like a European city.
And besides current high density buildings aren’t building to the limit right now so it’s not a height limit problem
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iya5jd9 wrote
Reply to comment by dc_co in D.C. lawmakers pitch a plan for ‘Green New Deal for Housing’ by stache_twista
Yup. Used to live in one building and it was roach infested and falling apart. Every week they had to shut water off to fix leaks in the building. Y
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy83d6b wrote
This post and a few other comments are the reason why I stay super vigilant when walking or biking. I stop at all intersections, I check each lane that each car has stopped or is empty with no cars approaching before I proceed.
A few months ago I was crossing and this guy was started pulling into the cross with a lot of people crossing it, we made eye contact and then he pulled out right in front of me as I was about to step in front of his car and I shudder thinking about he nearly willingly almost killed me.
Too many crazy wreckless drivers. I’m sick of it.
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy821m3 wrote
If religion is the cause, then in middle eastern countries where some men must have a beard, does their religion give them exemption because of their work? Like men can be ok NOT growing a beard if they specialize in. An essential duty like being a firefighter?
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy81tbt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in D.C. Firefighters And Paramedics Sue City Over Policy Banning Beards by zsreport
prevent verbal communication
no thermal protection
no eye or nasal airway protection
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy79koi wrote
Reply to comment by invalidmail2000 in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
What is the speed limit? You make more traffic when you make everyone slow down because you’re too weak footed to step on the gas and get up to speed
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy782n5 wrote
Reply to comment by invalidmail2000 in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
Oh god your that Maryland driver… the on ramp for accelerating to the speed of traffic. You’re not supposed to merge at 20mph and then speed up once you’re fully on the freeway. That’s why the beltway be so bad
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6v3z3 wrote
Reply to comment by mediocre-spice in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
There’s several in the tunnels where pedestrians can’t even get to. There’s a few right after the bridge on NY Ave like right as your coming down hill. It’s not even a freeway they just put them at the bottom of steep ramps to catch people.
They need them in front schools and such. But really the cops need to start issuing moving violations. You shouldn’t be able to run a red light or make an illegal U-turn and double park blocking 2 lanes directly in front of cops. That’s fucked
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6rrj6 wrote
Reply to comment by el_sh33p in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
Or Virginian, they’re just as bad.
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6rq5o wrote
Reply to comment by normalguysupercar in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
You are the problem. You should not be driving. Your ass can walk and use the metro. “Normal guy super car” it should be “entitled asshat dented car from all the people and objects he’s hit with it”
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6rkxg wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
How is this emboldening anyone? Also they may be breaking the laws of the District of Columbia but they can’t break the laws of physics that saw a large object in motion needs room to come to a stop and can’t do it in a dime. You sound like the type of guy to step in front of an 18 wheeler then get mad when you get hit because the 10 ton truck couldn’t stop for you.
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6r84k wrote
Reply to comment by thegrumpycarp in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
Vent honey, let it out and put it in the burn book
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6r4fv wrote
Reply to comment by heranonymousaccount in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
I always honk at them and take pleasure with the fact that my loud ass honk annoyed them and their ear drums and they deserve it for almost making me involuntarily kill them.
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6qz6e wrote
Reply to comment by SquishWindow in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
But pedestrians in this city don’t know how to cross the street. Almost took out a GW student in foggy bottom because she decided she just had to run out into the street and run down the block even thought he sidewalk was perfectly empty.
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6quu1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
The police don’t enforce moving violations they see in front of them with their own two eyes they’re not going to follow up with that
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6qrje wrote
I’ll do you one better: I was at a red light waiting for it to turn. A lady in a BMW (cuz it’s always the BMWs or Benz or big ass trucks) had her left blinker on waiting at the red light opposite me. They got inpatient and started to roll forward and decided to just turn against the red light. They almost took out 3 people crossing the opposite street she was trying to turn in. My light turned green and now me and and everyone else on our side of the street was stuck there waiting for her. I honked and the person next to me honked and she had the audacity to flip us both off like we were the problem! I fucking hate how the rules of the road are just not obeyed in the district at all
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6q9uw wrote
Reply to comment by TheDukeofArgyll in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
100% I avoid them and only use them if there are absolutely no cars on the road. The people who just walk out in them with no regard are entirely too trusting
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6q5ka wrote
Reply to comment by mostlikelyatwork in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
Sometimes I’m that person like “why are you randomly stopping?!” To be fair, some people will stop randomly for no apparent reason then keep driving when you try to pass them. I always try to keep an eye out for pedestrians. I was driving on M st. NW and some dude straight up stopped and started reversing then had the audacity to honk at me for being in his way while trying to illegally double and reversing down a 1 way street. The fucking audacity of drivers here is insane
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6pw3e wrote
Reply to comment by mediocre-spice in You must STOP for pedestrians in crosswalks! by thegrumpycarp
Lol they don’t use that. They put them on the ON-ramps
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy3j1w0 wrote
Reply to comment by WontStopAtSigns in The Exceptionally American Problem of Rising Roadway Deaths (includes a focus on pedestrian and cyclist deaths in DC) by woulditkillyoutolift
Such a stupid and immature insult to make. This conversation is pointless and you came here just to bicker. 🙄
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy2ut1n wrote
Reply to comment by WontStopAtSigns in The Exceptionally American Problem of Rising Roadway Deaths (includes a focus on pedestrian and cyclist deaths in DC) by woulditkillyoutolift
Comparing us to Europe is stupid. We had a war roughly 250 years ago to not be like them.
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy2u0ap wrote
Reply to comment by Blightking in The Exceptionally American Problem of Rising Roadway Deaths (includes a focus on pedestrian and cyclist deaths in DC) by woulditkillyoutolift
Yeah I know. I’ve seen a lady ina. Wheel chair get hit. She was ina cross walk but didn’t have the light. Rolled out in front of a truck and got hit when the light for the truck turned green. Driver didn’t see her directly in front of his vehicle and he hit and she flew. She was alright just bruised up and they called the cops and the cops said told her that because she was crossing without the light, she was at fault. She even admitted it was pretty stupid of her.
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy2tu0e wrote
Reply to comment by WontStopAtSigns in The Exceptionally American Problem of Rising Roadway Deaths (includes a focus on pedestrian and cyclist deaths in DC) by woulditkillyoutolift
Lol we had a lock down just because individuals choose not to follow the rules doesn’t mean we didn’t try.
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy2rrth wrote
Reply to comment by Working-Grapefruit42 in The Exceptionally American Problem of Rising Roadway Deaths (includes a focus on pedestrian and cyclist deaths in DC) by woulditkillyoutolift
No because that would ruin the cyclist reputation and ability to get blind with rage at motorists.
But this is an issue. I’ve seen cyclist blow thru red lights and force everyone to stop while they blast thru intersections faster than any car
Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iya623p wrote
Reply to comment by AADV123 in Warning: Food Truck Overcharging by Brass_Orchid
I think they are legally licensed by the DC government to sell there. But idk about food standards. My boyfriend and I had a blue berry boba from one and we were literally shitting blue for 24 hours after. So I avoid all edibles from a place that has wheels under it.