QuestionableAI t1_ix3ql3f wrote
Reply to comment by Fit_Cheesecake_4000 in Chicago Alderman who said he wants fewer cops in his ward is now asking people to PLEASE stop shooting each other for 48 hours by CookieMasochist
It is because they have actually never tired to do any of that... try to keep up.
QuestionableAI t1_ix0p698 wrote
Well, he can fuck right off.
QuestionableAI t1_ix0lmn5 wrote
Reply to comment by CookieMasochist in Chicago Alderman who said he wants fewer cops in his ward is now asking people to PLEASE stop shooting each other for 48 hours by CookieMasochist
Lot of politicians, including those pretending to be journalists, are not known for being deep thinkers ... or thinkers at all, for that matter.
QuestionableAI t1_iwzs8gd wrote
Reply to comment by sanjsrik in FIFA chief Gianni Infantino hits out at Qatar criticism saying European countries should instead 'be apologising for the next 3,000 years' by Garchomp98
Any bets on whose hand is up whose butt?
QuestionableAI t1_iwzni5k wrote
Reply to Chicago Alderman who said he wants fewer cops in his ward is now asking people to PLEASE stop shooting each other for 48 hours by CookieMasochist
Nothing like media ignoring the fact that all the research regarding crime points to SYSTEMIC issues of society (employment opportunities, fair wages, food security, secure shelter, educational opportunities, fair treatment, and adherence to the social contract)... rather than the number of badges on the street.
Stupid, fear mongering, and political points of more cops on the street instead of tackling the really hard issues of making community livable.
QuestionableAI t1_iwwyrqv wrote
Reply to comment by mailordermonster in David Beckham claims Qatar World Cup a platform for inclusivity and tolerance by loldonkimo
I hear you, I do.
QuestionableAI t1_iws8yd3 wrote
Does the media know any other words than those that are inflamatory or is that just the thing now?
Headlines are like reading goddamn comic books.... POW, SMACK, FEAR, SHOCKED, ALARMED, SCARE, FRIGHTENING!!! It simply screams but more like a clingy ex who screams for you to love them again. As useless as those guys are.
QuestionableAI t1_iws5bz4 wrote
Reply to David Beckham claims Qatar World Cup a platform for inclusivity and tolerance by loldonkimo
Why does every rich dude turn into an utter mouth-breathing baboon? It is just the millions in pays off for that shite? Probably.
QuestionableAI t1_iwr9gie wrote
Reply to comment by Plenty_Performer_421 in Michelle Obama says Americans ‘weren’t ready’ for her natural hair by LordWolfgangCabbage
I do ... but to declare that no one was ready is patently stupid. Some of us actually read out here.
QuestionableAI t1_iwqzmo2 wrote
Reply to Disney Files Patent For Roller Coaster That Jumps Off The Track And Flies Through The Air by Itsjustbeej
Sure, I'd put my life into the hands of Mickey Mouse ... sure. : /
QuestionableAI t1_iwqt0xm wrote
Reply to Astronomer locked out of Twitter for meteor video flagged as 'intimate content' by Aggravating_Pie7747
Elon must have sucked all the brains that were left in Twitter.
QuestionableAI t1_iwqsop3 wrote
Hair ... her hair ... first stupid goddamn thing I've ever heard from her if she actually said that.
QuestionableAI t1_iwlskey wrote
Reply to After spending billions, federal government doesn't know if it's reducing chronic homelessness: AG by strawberrykid_sg
Tell me again how and why our Federal government does not have policy analysis ... better yet, tell me that policies are done via analysis rather than political party preferences.
They don't know because it was siphoned off by corrupt persons... otherwise known as family and friends.
QuestionableAI t1_iw3f8tf wrote
So, Iranian government operating like Russians, steal everything at the point of a gun. Scum of the earth.
QuestionableAI t1_iuybalv wrote
If they think of humans as potentially dangerous, wild animals will usually skirt any potential contact.
QuestionableAI t1_iurvok9 wrote
Frankly, as we know how Russia is infamous for its lies and deceits, there should be no European nation standing unprepared at this point, formations in place, troops trained, and ready.
When Russia tells you not to worry or uses your name in a sentence, know they mean you no good and envy your lives.
Make ready.
QuestionableAI t1_itns9z3 wrote
Reply to comment by nazariomusic in The corporate capture of the nutrition profession in the USA: the case of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics -- The documents reveal a symbiotic relationship between the AND, its Foundation and corporations. Corporations assist the AND and ANDF with financial contributions. by Meatrition
first part correct, second part misses how the corporate diets got them fat
QuestionableAI t1_it0mzya wrote
QuestionableAI t1_isz5n7w wrote
Reply to comment by Thesunsetsblueonmars in Weaponized Robots Letter Calls for Policy, Tech Fixes Manufacturers’ initiative pledges no militarized robots for nonmilitary purposes by tonymmorley
I say 4 years.... wanna bet?
QuestionableAI t1_isz5j1f wrote
Reply to Weaponized Robots Letter Calls for Policy, Tech Fixes Manufacturers’ initiative pledges no militarized robots for nonmilitary purposes by tonymmorley
Oh my sweet summer's child.
No human ever met a weapon they would not use, modify, and use again.
QuestionableAI t1_isz05mf wrote
Reply to Assuming we had the technology, would any of you all be willing to go and live permanently on a habitable exoplanet or a terraformed planet? by Golfer345
It will have to be in my next life and it would be interesting just in case I don't get that Star Trek Captain's chair I'm longing for.
QuestionableAI t1_isuknw5 wrote
Reply to comment by CertainKaleidoscope8 in Hospitals should improve their presence on Instagram to promote healthy lifestyles, augment public health campaigns, and be a source of reliable and accessible health information online. by mightx
Is their obesity historical or is it more recent and have anything to do with dietary changes since western intervention?
QuestionableAI t1_isugozy wrote
Reply to comment by CertainKaleidoscope8 in Hospitals should improve their presence on Instagram to promote healthy lifestyles, augment public health campaigns, and be a source of reliable and accessible health information online. by mightx
I see. Thank you for that illumination ... I sure missed that.
QuestionableAI t1_istuwxm wrote
Reply to Hospitals should improve their presence on Instagram to promote healthy lifestyles, augment public health campaigns, and be a source of reliable and accessible health information online. by mightx
Hospitals are giant CORPORATIONS, not little stand alones... they have investors, CEOs, boards of directors .... they are there for the $$$$$$ not the community and moreover, lots of them are Catholic hospitals who deny services to women.
PR that shite.
QuestionableAI t1_ix4tn1n wrote
Reply to comment by SilasX in Chicago Alderman who said he wants fewer cops in his ward is now asking people to PLEASE stop shooting each other for 48 hours by CookieMasochist
Amazing how you can try to say something clever by being obtuse and fail.