
Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_j21fzvc wrote

People who move to NH do so because they like the ruralness of the state. I purposely moved to an area that was rural because you cannot find that in most areas east of Worcester in MA. My North Shore home town of 50+years got so bad with over building that I had to leave. It became a nightmare.

I enjoy the trees and sparse areas. I enjoy the wildlife being able to live here and have areas where homes, and cars, are not overbearing. I also enjoy the fact that my neighbors are not on top of me and I can just live my life. Why should NH have to destroy all this to just turn into MA. I still work in MA and the traffic as soon as I get over the border is insane. What should take me 20 min max always takes me 40 mins with stopped traffic on 93 a given. Once I get past all that and into NH there is NEVER stopped traffic, I can do a good speed, and get where I want to go. Why do we need to change that.

NH is fine the way it is, and people don't want to live like they do in MA. What I find rather annoying is all the people who want to live in MA, want to turn NH into the same shit show.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_j1wl95b wrote

There is also the issue of just being prescribed some medication without even being able to seek face to face therapy. If you go to your PCP, and tell them you are depressed, they will not recommend therapy but just give you pills.

Finding a qualified therapist is difficult too that has the experience to do quality counseling. If you end up with a dud, now you have to deal with that aspect.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_j0rw7hu wrote

Reply to comment by noodle-face in Help for my father by noodle-face

Oh really? From what you have written I am right on point. You just don't want to admit it, have ZERO understanding of what your father has been through, and will not sacrifice to help him out.

I hope he is found.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_j0ruqk2 wrote

Reply to comment by noodle-face in Help for my father by noodle-face

Has it dawned on you that he is refusing care because his life has been shattered and he has no one to rely upon? He probably feels like why bother any more. That he does not have the means to go out and find a new place.

Imagine having health issues, constant medical appointments, and then all this happens. How was he getting to his appointments? You have zero understanding what your father has been through and I'm sure he understands that he cannot rely on his family in his time of need. What would you expect from you father if the tables were turned and you were desperate?


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_j0rtr19 wrote

First of all YOU TAKE YOUR FATHER IN !!!! What is up with this BS from people who really just don't want to bother taking care of family. All the lame excuses do not count either. At least be honest enough to admit this.

The guy lost his home which is traumatic enough not only because he does not have a place to stay, but to no longer be in his home where he was comfortable and new where everything was, etc is fuel on this fire. His life has been turned upside down which is why he is having difficulty with his meds.

Now all the people he should be able to trust and rely on are calling him "not of sound mind"? WTF!!! You want to put him a psyche ward for this?

Yes, I am reading you the riot act because this man needs help. He should be able to rely on family, but with youR busy lives you have decided he is not worth the inconvenience. THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR ONE MORE.

You go get your father and show the man the respect and love he has given you. He is not trash to be discarded.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_j0c9sxz wrote

Perhaps there is a shelter database that will show where the nearest available shelter is located and Manchester came up. I too find it odd that they drove from Sanford ME to Manchester NH for emergency shelter.

The other issue I have with this is the ME police did not seem to look into whether she got in OK. It seems they just dropped her off, and considered their job done.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_j0c98c6 wrote

Reading the article, I find it quite remarkable that they will send people away into the cold because they are full, rather than setting up emergency cots in the hallway or common areas so they are inside. I am not a homeless shelter worker, but it just seems idiotic to have people outside when you can squeeze people in to get warm. Can anyone explain this to me


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_izilyuz wrote

Reply to Weather by mrszent

When I moved here 2 yrs ago I thought they did a poor job plowing. Several storms had made 93 uncomfortable to drive on. They need more plows so they can keep up with the snow. I have had to call into work because driving was not safe in my estimation. Then you have the crazies that will still speed when the roads are snow covered.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_izgndyn wrote

So I wanted to see how this worked and I did an MRI in my hometown with my insurance and it gave me something in the 4200 range. When I scrolled to the bottom and there are other hospitals listed, there was one two towns over that listed it for $3. What's up with that?


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_izanzph wrote

Well if you are going to heat with oil, it will run you a minimum of $550/100gal. Propane is also expensive about $300/100gal. Electricity has gone up quite a bit too expect on average 150/mo. Then there is internet/cable which for just internet looking at $100/mo. I stream rather than have cable but cable would be about $150/mo. So you are already up to $1250 and you have not paid for food/gas yet.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iz74szs wrote

If you did electronic payment then I would see if you can through your method of payment to get it back. If a credit card, call them and tell them you paid twice, if debit contact your bank. That is your money and no where does it say they are entitled to keep your money.