
Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iy494p6 wrote

I had the same issue when I moved into my first home 2 years ago. I ended up getting a John Deere tractor with an addon snow blower attachment. It does both jobs mower during summer and snow blower in winter. If you do not feel comfortable changing it out for the seasons, my JD dealer sends someone out to change it over for me. The whole setup cost about $6K


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iy04cbb wrote

They will get people to buy these homes. It's asinine but they will sell.

There was a home for sale in Wakefield a couple of years ago that had <1 acre lot. Some construction company bought the house, tore it down and built not one but two large houses on that lot. I should say squeezed two houses in. They are right on top of each other. They are located very close to the highway, on a very busy street with commercial trucks going down regularly. They both sold for over 1 million each. When they were listed, I laughed at the price as who would spend that money to live on a constantly busy street, no front yard, no privacy, but it sold. The neighborhood is made up of older 3 bed homes that are at least half the size of them.

Massachusetts is going to look like Silicon Valley in the years to come. People are going to priced out very soon and cities and towns are doing nothing to prevent this. All they see is the almighty dollar sign. The greed and gluttony has no bounds and families that have raised children for generations are finding it difficult to impossible to stay.

So what you are seeing is the changing from working class family suburbs to multimillion homes. Take pictures because it won't be here for long


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_ix1q0rk wrote

See this is why people are stupid. MA HAD a Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth. But all the retarded environmentalists campaigned against it and it is now closed. Now the new environmentalist want nuclear.

Do you see how utter moronic they are? Do you see why no one wants to listen to them any more? They did the same thing with paper bags. They said it was causing deforestation, so we switched to plastic, now there are paper bags again and plastic is out.



Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_ix1oy78 wrote

NO! How about we open the pipelines, increase production while the greenies get their act together and start putting in an infrastructure. I cannot believe that it has taken this long and nothing to little has been done.

Nothing has been done about charging for elec cars and making it available for quick charging, nothing has been done to sure up the electric grid so that it can handle the increased usage. You cannot even get solar panels for your home because it is too expensive and idiotic BS with how they contract it out to people.

Let's face it, there is no reason whatsoever why the renewable sector has done a crappy job getting things into place. Until then everyone still needs energy to live their lives.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_ix11rq4 wrote

Ya, that answer is BS but the greenies love to see people suffer. It just goes to show what a bunch of incompetent jackholes they all are.

So because they cannot get their system up so that we could all have a switch over that is relatively painless, these dbags are vicious and vindictive.

Never net a greenie I liked


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_ix0cref wrote

Do people even understand that 5K-6K would buy for a home? I don't understand why people are paying that to rent.

If they can afford that to rent, what are they doing for work? They are blowing their money away paying this. Find a house and your mortgage is money in the bank, it is YOUR MONEY not a landlords.


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iwyvbzf wrote

Yes mental health is atrocious to get to see someone. Yet all we hear is if you have issues see a counselor. Oh the duality!

Frankly, all seeing your PCP does, is gets you a prescription for some meds. Nothing about getting some real help. Just dope the person up and call it a day


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iwvx3x1 wrote

as far as your question, that is what the hopes and dreams are for abortionists and their supporters. I do not questions that that will be their ultimate goal. There has also been debate on not doing anything for a child being born alive after an abortion attempt.

I guess people are just adamant about making sure nothing survives


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iwiblr0 wrote

I have never been happier moving out of MA for the same reasons as you. I will also add the "we know what is best for you" attitude that has become unbearable. I got so sick of the over building to the point that life and living there had become a burden.

After a while being away, I too noticed myself detoxifying from the constant din of telling people how to live, the gov picking my pocket, everything we are programmed to do and say.

I will never live in MA again


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iw8thny wrote

You could contact emergency housing in your area and explain your situation. Not that you are looking for emergency housing, but since you do face barriers to finding housing, they may know where you can go. If that does not pan out, try contacting local rental realtors (not something online) as they might know which places do not require certain amount of income to rent. Beyond that, perhaps just keeping an eye out for for rent signs posted.

If you can get a great reference from your current landlord, that does go a long way since it shows your ability to pay rent on time.

Personally, I hate how housing has become and how utterly ridiculous it has become just to find a place to live. Good luck


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_ivhda2h wrote

While the Clam Box has great clams, there is another place that one would not expect to have fantastic clams.

Kings, a roast beef and seafood place on North St in Salem, has the best fried clams. I don't know what they put in their batter, but it is sooooo good. Yes it is not your typical looking Clam Shack, nor does it have the cache of others located right in the ocean/flats, but I am serious about the quality, taste of their clams.