RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqkbdt wrote
Reply to comment by Whatchyaduinyachooch in Why does this subreddit shut down any questions about John Fetterman's ability to serve? by RabbleLowder
Is he on the Senate floor?
RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqjykc wrote
Reply to comment by ThreePointsPhilly in Why does this subreddit shut down any questions about John Fetterman's ability to serve? by RabbleLowder
Is it bad faith to ask if a person who represents not only the state of PA, but the entire Nation, is fit for the job? Should we not question people's ability to do jobs? It's done everyday, yet for one of the most important positions in the world, it's bad faith to ask?
Would you hire him to manage your business?
RabbleLowder t1_jdqhehi wrote
Reply to comment by BitchyWitchy68 in Philly mayoral candidates stand in support of drag community by TransFattyAcid
So asking who is attacking people you claimed to being attacked is somehow targeting???? Your logic is muted.
RabbleLowder t1_jdotkfs wrote
Reply to comment by 8Draw in Philly mayoral candidates stand in support of drag community by TransFattyAcid
Who is attacking drag queens?
RabbleLowder t1_jajsas2 wrote
Reply to After further testing, Fentanyl was NOT found in the THC gummies that were taken by police last week. by DelianSK13
That's horrible.
RabbleLowder OP t1_j9ac55c wrote
Reply to Historic ‘Blue Plaque’ for MLK unveiled: first in U.S. by British Trust known for recognizing Black history by RabbleLowder
The date and time of the most pivotal speech that Dr King himself said convinced him of nonviolence had gone unknown for decades, and the accepted narrative as to where the speech happened, had been wrong. This is corrective history on a grand scale.
RabbleLowder t1_ivasgkj wrote
Reply to To the person who defaced all the Mastriano campaign signs in my neighborhood by phasechanges
I saw the best Fetterman sign. It read “I’ll protect you from black joggers”. It was brilliant.
RabbleLowder t1_iugm5gq wrote
Reply to comment by flow3rpowr in Obama praises John Fetterman as someone with whom you can 'have a normal conversation,' says the Pennsylvania Democrat has 'some sense of how the rest of America lives' by BlankVerse
This guy couldn't manage a drive thru, yet you think he cab be a US Senator? I pray that you are just a robot.
RabbleLowder t1_iu6tfiy wrote
Reply to comment by Odd_Description_2295 in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Look, you just joined yesterday to make this comment. Welcome to the internet.
RabbleLowder t1_iu439tn wrote
Reply to comment by Sprinkles_Hopeful in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Where do you live, fruitcake? I own a biz in Philly. The whole city was in chaos for weeks. Men of roofs with rifles, tanks in the streets, rapes, murders, cops cars being set on fire, looting, buildings burning, assaults, vandalism....it was a great fucking summer. Just like all the apologists for the summer of 2020, you are a prosecutor for Jan 6th, which shows you have the consistency of a cad case of diarrhea. Nobody can take you seriously in life, so you come here for comfort from your fellow parental basement dwellers, where you find solace in this echo chamber of liberal mind farts. Dozens of people were killed during the summer of 2020 riots, billions in damage, and you compare that to a two hour tour of the Capitol where the most damage was trash left on the floor. You, my friend, are the very thing that makes the internet dangerous. You have no logic, you are all hyperbole.
RabbleLowder t1_isyc0kt wrote
Reply to comment by Thecrawsome in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
I don't care who the people claimed to be affiliated to, they are criminals the same as the bozos who entered the capital who were not let in by officers. Those that cops just let in, were not trespassing, and that's why many have gotten off of that charge.
I had to board my business up and stand guard for weeks during the summer of 2020 riots, which caused billions in damage and left dozens dead. Are you justifying the crimes committed that summer?
RabbleLowder t1_isybh66 wrote
Reply to comment by Thecrawsome in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Disorganized violence happens all of the time? Sorry Charlie, the summer of 2020 was anything but disorganized. It was organized through the media, you fool. It was played on your TV 24/7, with doctors claiming that protestors were not spreading the " virus". You have got to be kidding me. The CIA is CNN, as well as Fox. This is MK-ultra awoken.
RabbleLowder t1_isxwpss wrote
Reply to comment by Thecrawsome in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Never rose to the level????? Did you just say that? They burned down a police station and took over entire cities where they looted, beat and murdered people. Get your head out of your ass. This is why nobody can take you seriously.
RabbleLowder t1_isxtfif wrote
Reply to comment by Thecrawsome in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Do you not remember the cities on fire across the nation? The police station that was taken over and burned to the ground? Or here is a story about the criminals trying to storm the White House. Nothing on jan 6th compared to what happened over the summer of 2020. An entire section of a city was taken over and called a CHAZ zone. Are you kidding me here? That was an armed sedition of that area of the city, and people were held hostage for weeks. Stop with this Jan 6th crap if you cannot admit the violence that took place in 2020 was much worse than a bunch of old men walking around the Capitol. I watched as my city exploded, and men were on the roof tops with rifles, ready to shoot the looters who were threatening the shopping center. I watched neighborhoods get completely looted, with people being beaten, robbed and killed. It was mass fucking chaos, yet you can't admit it. you should be ashamed.
RabbleLowder t1_isxd12u wrote
Reply to comment by Thecrawsome in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Do you remember the CHAZ zone? How about the several night when the White House was under attack? Do you also wish that they serve their life in prison?
RabbleLowder t1_isx7hjp wrote
Reply to comment by Thecrawsome in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Should we also put the violent antifa and blm mobs in jail forever, or do you have the consistency of a bad case of diarrhea?
RabbleLowder t1_isvnyxm wrote
Reply to comment by phantomjm in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Can you answer, what is a woman?
RabbleLowder t1_isp5m2a wrote
Reply to comment by HeyZuesHChrist in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Your base is shrinking like a penis after ejaculating. hence-hence-hence, do you hear an echo?
RabbleLowder t1_isp58kt wrote
Reply to comment by phantomjm in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Here is where both sides of you extremists that you just don't seem to understand, there are more independents than both of you overly vocal whack jobs on both sides, and we are sick of both sides. Don't you realize the hyper woke BS is destroying any base you had with independents? We are sick of it, and I call out both sides on their hypocrisy...
RabbleLowder t1_iso0dhv wrote
Reply to comment by ThePopeJones in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
No, I am offering you cultists some sanity.
RabbleLowder t1_isnzfdc wrote
Reply to comment by CQU617 in I agree wholeheartedly with this assessment. A big no for Dr. Schnozz. by CQU617
Hey, it's just one question. Since you will not answer, let me do it for you. He would have murdered him in cold blood. Prove me wrong.
RabbleLowder t1_isnunvi wrote
Reply to comment by Professional_Fun_664 in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Libs don't worry about that, they are too busy seething.
RabbleLowder t1_isnukyp wrote
Reply to One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Reddit is a liberal echo chamber.
RabbleLowder t1_ism6bif wrote
Reply to comment by aust_b in Obama praises John Fetterman as someone with whom you can 'have a normal conversation,' says the Pennsylvania Democrat has 'some sense of how the rest of America lives' by BlankVerse
Also, this is not a talking point of Republicans. It is not in one add or flier. Do you know why, it might help him amongst a certain group of voters to know that story...
RabbleLowder OP t1_jdqkdre wrote
Reply to comment by Smokey_Katt in Why does this subreddit shut down any questions about John Fetterman's ability to serve? by RabbleLowder
Name any other Senator who cannot make it to the senate floor to do their jobs.