Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6o7vix wrote
Reply to comment by Gently_Rough_ in Walking parrots by FrankieGS
The stress and anxiety from being away from the flock. The restrictions on movement and stunted social development. You need multiple birds not just two we are talking a flock. They need their community, and more room and freedom then a house or a yard. Just the same as if you took a two newborns to be raised by gorillas. Those children would have severe developmental and mental issues. That is what you are doing to them when you keep them as pets. When breeding in captivity the traits most needed for reintroduction are not passed on. They are less intelligent, and more prone to mental disorders than their wild counter parts. Because again they evolved with a flock, their very existence is the flock. They need it for social reinforcement, to show off how good they look, to feel safe from perdition, because they evolved that way.
I was trying to sugarcoat it but it’s like this. You can feed a kid all candy and never make them go to school for 18 years. Yeah the kid is happy, for now, but it’s not what the kid needs. Think of all the issues that kid is going to have. They never learned self discipline, how to act around others, that there are others their age, limited communication, no chance at finding a mate, not even able to be accepted in society.
Ok so understanding what they need, and realizing that not giving them what they need stunts their development. Makes them more prone to mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, separation anxiety, PTSD, aggression, and probably many more. Probably (imho) to serve as a incentive in the wild to move on and search for a new flock, if ever isolated. But that last one is just my crack pot speculation, so grain of salt.
The research showing this is so prevalent you can just google it to find it. I don’t think you all realize how incredibly intelligent and conscious these birds really are. They have very good problem solving, very good memory, and very good rationality. They learn our language fam, this tells us they have their own language. They understand language fam, as in the concept. They understand that they need to communicate with us, they recognize we use language, they teach themselves our language. I’m not talking about them speaking to us, I’m talking mainly about us speaking to them. You need to understand they deliberately do this. It is a choice they make, and they can do it wicked fast.
Ok you take that type of intelligence, that evolved to be communal, and take it from its societal grounds and it environment. You are going to cause developmental issues and mental illness if born in captivity, or mental illness if captured. Same as us fam, only their social instincts are turned up to 11.
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6no9ek wrote
Reply to comment by DaddyKrotukk in Forgive me, Father (OC) by LeeroyM
I’m from Kentucky. So you got pony, but here it’s pronounced pone-ie. two syllables. So I got problems with language and communication, so I forget how to spell things. Then I have to sound it out, but yeah the whole brain damage kicks in and you get the most…. Uh …. Unique…. Yeah let’s go with that… Unique spelling of very common words. Behold a micro example of the evolution of language…. Brought to you by brain holes…. From multiple sclerosis…. 1/10 stars, for hardcore gamers only….
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6n6oby wrote
Reply to comment by Gently_Rough_ in Walking parrots by FrankieGS
I can do this all day. They need the flock, with out it they bond to one person. They can not be alone, they need a companion 24/7. When this is a human, and the human leaves for the day, it causes separation anxiety that turns in to mental illness. They will then start feather-pluck, and become progressively more hostile and violent.
They can’t be alone, it’s part of their evolution. That is why they mate for life. That is why you really need a team of people working with them. To stop them from ever being alone, also to prevent them from bonding with one human. Bonding with a human is bad because they think that they are human. They will stop wanting to socialize with other birds and primarily socialize with one human. Think of cray teenage obsession. Some even think that the feather-pluck is to make them look more human.
Most of them have personalities that lean towards vanity, appearance is very important to them. Think “small town what would the neighbors think” turned up to 11. Because again they are very social creatures, why they need the flock. Good keepers know to tell the birds and then groom them before guests or new people come. Yes they are that self aware!
This is why they can’t be raised in homes, as pets. They need open space to fly, they need a flock of their own kind, they need little to no human interaction. That is what they need. If you want to help volunteer/donate/create good bird sanctuaries near you. People who will train you and teach you how to give it the best life you can. If we invest the money used on them as house pets, into bird sanctuaries and rehabilitation. End the practice of them as pets, then we can really target poachers.
You just got to accept that we damage them any time we have contact with them. Because we don’t understand them, and they are very complex.
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6l7dew wrote
Reply to comment by Detective-Ranch in Forgive me, Father (OC) by LeeroyM
Stay gold poneyboy. You know Outsiders… it means it’s morbidly good.
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6l254e wrote
Reply to Forgive me, Father (OC) by LeeroyM
That’s uh…. Damn poneyboy that’s gold right there!
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6kukbq wrote
Reply to comment by CianuroConLove in Walking parrots by FrankieGS
Bull shit. You know what you were implying. Also applying human ethics to animals behaviors is how the world got this fucked up to start with. Some mother spiders get eaten by their young. Nature is brutal fam, why these animals evolved the way they did. We aren’t the judges of their societies or behaviors. You know what, fuck it fam. You have a good life. I’m done with your petty nonsense.
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6ksjyi wrote
Reply to comment by CianuroConLove in Walking parrots by FrankieGS
Really? Racism huh? So that’s how you silent your opponents. By implying they haters. That’s messed up fam. Also last I checked no one is killing off every human except the ones in jail… also in order for you to think that you have to think that there are different species of humans as well. Or did you not think about what you were saying? Just looking to bash on someone who has a different opinion than you do. Well fam no, no reasonable educated adult is going to read it and think that. Only some one immature and only looking to cause pain, because someone dared to question their subjective value on life.
Grow up fam. Love ya.
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6koq7q wrote
Reply to comment by rockylizard in Walking parrots by FrankieGS
Yes that is why buying one is against most international laws, and it is heavily restricted to research and conversation. But if ever able to be released it will never be the real Spix. It’s the same difference between a dog and a wolf. By breading them in captivity we fundamentally change them. Different genes are passed on when organisms are in different environments. So they will evolve to something else. The real Spix died off a few decades ago from poaching for pets, and habitat destruction. Now we keep a few alive to sate a guilty conscience. But screw it fam, y’all don’t want to hear it so I’m just going to bounce. Love ya fam.
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6keksu wrote
Reply to comment by gylez in Walking parrots by FrankieGS
No fam you can’t. That’s the point. Domesticated parrots are not like a cat or a dog. Even the ones born in captivity exhibit a clear difference in intelligence and behavior. They evolved not only physically, but socially, and physiology. They need the wild and they need a flock. You can never reintroduce a parrot after it has been domesticated. This is because the parrot life bonds emotionally with its owner, and thinks it’s flock is humans. It would be the same as Aliens abducting you as a small child, and raising you in isolation of other humans. So no. Most if not all of the ones you see in zoos and the like are rescues. Ask any educated avian biologist or Veterinarian and they will say the same. They can not proliferate in captivity with out serous issues for their long term survival. There are a few trying to reintroduce with intermediate success, but you have to start when they are younger. Once they completely mature the pattern is set.
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6k23mf wrote
Reply to comment by frisbeemaniac95 in Walking parrots by FrankieGS
That is…. I hate the parrot industry. Really they are beautiful and intelligent little wonders, that can’t be domesticated with out incurring physiological damage…. I know he loves them, but fam…. Damn if you love them then you want what’s best for them. That is being in a flock and finding a mate. Not promoting the capture and stunting of them…. Humans be assholes fam…
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j1yahzk wrote
Reply to My sister-in-law says he is a Sumo wrestler, I say he is a sexy gingerbread man wearing a thong. by BJ77345
I’m going with Pirate… it has an eye patch… well two eye patches…
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j1xrxp7 wrote
Reply to The Spice Girls backstage, 1997 by [deleted]
Soo that’s what they really want…
Rabid_Kiwi t1_iydjs71 wrote
Reply to La Cripta dei Cappuccini, Roma by Lubernaut
I kind of want this on my bedroom ceiling…
Rabid_Kiwi t1_iy11f2l wrote
Ohhh dem poor limes…. Rip my little British sailors…
Rabid_Kiwi t1_iwsnmmc wrote
Reply to A Cuban man in a white suit walks through downtown Havana. (Walker Evans, 1933) by TheBitterSeason
Damn I wish I could pull off that look…
Rabid_Kiwi t1_j93szdd wrote
Reply to Immateria Study 2, Me, Ink and Acrylic, 2023 by GoblinSuplex
That is beautiful, really it is very good!