RadioFreeAmerika t1_j9isbq7 wrote
Reply to comment by UnarmedSnail in Scientists Say They Gene Hacked Mice to Double Remaining Lifespan by Ok-Prior-8856
Luckily, cancer vaccines seem to be also picking up steam.
RadioFreeAmerika t1_j950rmu wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisFromIT in Child labor in the United States costs $15,138 per child. by VoE_Monkey_Overlord
They are not innocent. They are complicit and enable the company they work for to do the shady stuff they are doing. It's sad for the ones that don't know about it but lose their job nevertheless. However, that's life. Have a good social security net and find a new job. It also has the benefit that companies would know that they will lose employees after the first or second strike. As an employee, these should be wake-up calls. Time to start looking for a new job before the third strike might hit your company, and you lose it.
RadioFreeAmerika t1_j94xmp8 wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisFromIT in Child labor in the United States costs $15,138 per child. by VoE_Monkey_Overlord
If a company repeatedly or severly breaks the law, it needs to be shut down for good. First time, big penalty, second time, external oversight and bigger penalty, third time, forced liquidation. Besides that, jail time for the executives and managers and if the kids worked under Johnny, also for Johnny.
Maybe Johnny shouldn't have worked for a company that exploited child labour.
Companies are power-tripping and undermining the foundations of our society. Executives and managers have outsourced almost all risks while reaping all the benefits. There is no real accountability for any of them anymore. They know and act accordingly. If we don't want to end up with working conditions like a few centuries ago, we need to reign them in.
RadioFreeAmerika t1_j94tsu3 wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisFromIT in Child labor in the United States costs $15,138 per child. by VoE_Monkey_Overlord
That's why we don't shut down criminal organizations when found out. /s
RadioFreeAmerika t1_ixqbbss wrote
Reply to comment by MadDog00312 in Embrace what may be the most important green technology ever. It could save us all by filosoful
Not in the US, but I am actually following the developments quite closely, as I can't wait to buy it in my local supermarket. It will be the ideal substitute for "real" meat.
RadioFreeAmerika t1_ixqb5fs wrote
Reply to comment by jaylem in Embrace what may be the most important green technology ever. It could save us all by filosoful
No animal will have to die for lab-grown meat. It is made from stem cells in incubators. And it is actually quite close to introduction into the market. Some is already sold in pilot projects. In a few years, it will basically be indistinguishable from "real" meat. It also consumes far fewer resources than "real" meat and can be produced much faster and cheaper. Further down the road, it might even be possible to grow meat from extinguished species like mammoths or make things like wagyu meat for a fraction of the costs.
RadioFreeAmerika t1_ixpdmaq wrote
Reply to comment by filosoful in Embrace what may be the most important green technology ever. It could save us all by filosoful
Thanks, but no. I'm waiting for lab-grown meat.
RadioFreeAmerika t1_iqzfrja wrote
It's quite easy Poland, you either get the land, or you get the money, not both.
RadioFreeAmerika t1_jctenp4 wrote
Reply to comment by rudanshi in Midjourney v5 is now beyond the uncanny valley effect, I can no longer tell it's fake by Ok_Sea_6214
It's already happening. And for that reason, I have a little flag in my mind on all content adding a probability of being generated. No content can be trusted any more. This starts from phone cameras automatically "improving pictures", over AI-enhanced mirrors, to your classical generated propaganda.