Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_iun3b9g wrote
Reply to comment by kradaan in Brazil election: Bolsonaro supporters block roads after poll defeat by Xul-luX
again, the propaganda isn’t coming from russia, they merely amplify it. Qanon is a perfect example, it washing created/started my russia, but they definitely helped spread it.
Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_iumydoi wrote
Reply to comment by kradaan in Brazil election: Bolsonaro supporters block roads after poll defeat by Xul-luX
I really hate this talking point. Yes, Putin/Russia is amplifying misinformation on a large scale, but they are rarely the origin of said misinformation. They see what ideas are gaining traction that are advantageous to them and signal boost those talking points.
Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ira6fc3 wrote
Reply to comment by flat6NA in Detroit police fire 38 shots in 3 seconds, killing Black man by UnitedPatriot65
if the guy was out of range of their tasers (as the police claim), how are they in range of his knife? There are knife attacks all over the world, yet somehow police in other developed countries can disarm the perpetrator without shooting them.
Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ira60x9 wrote
Reply to comment by Glendel66 in Detroit police fire 38 shots in 3 seconds, killing Black man by UnitedPatriot65
in the photo showing the knife, that measurement is including the handle, which is longer than the blade (it’s a foldable pocket knife). a 3”-4” blade is definitely average
Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ira5srg wrote
Reply to comment by thefoodiedentist in Detroit police fire 38 shots in 3 seconds, killing Black man by UnitedPatriot65
judging my the photos, that 8” knife measurement included the handle. the blade itself looks around 3”. Stabbing a police officer wearing body armor who (according to police) was out of range for their tasers with a 3” blade is gonna be pretty difficult to do
Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ira3yy8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Detroit police fire 38 shots in 3 seconds, killing Black man by UnitedPatriot65
no man, you don’t get it. If the options are either a cop might get slashed and require 5 stitches, or empty a clip into a person in the midst of a mental health crisis, it’s totally acceptable to kill that person
Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_iut18pv wrote
Reply to comment by Xul-luX in Europe’s climate warming at twice rate of global average, says report by hugglenugget
that’s what my big concern is for the US right now.
We are barely holding onto democracy by a thread, and I fear just enough Americans are just xenophobic enough to be pushed into supporting/buying into the GOP’s Fascist & racist rhetoric once the influx of climate migrants becomes significant.
Not to say we shouldn’t help/shelter those displaced my climate change. But seeing how anti-immigration rhetoric motivates/influences a large portion of Americans votes currently, I can only seeing it becoming a bigger shitshow.