
Rakka666 t1_je7kc5t wrote

There is no victory in this. πŸ˜‘

I agree, we cannot compare India to the US. We have different cultures, different demographics, huge population differences.

This is a shit flinging competition where both sides try to argue in bad faith. I'm confident that I can drag you off your moral high ground, if you want.


Rakka666 t1_jdthrw2 wrote

Good to hear that everyone is doing better in your village.☺️

Ignore the riff-raff of idiots, they're either self-hating or 2nd gen Indians in other countries who do not have much cultural ties to the home country so they berate their own to look good in the eyes of the White 🀑 s. Happens to the best when they're not able to assimilate properly.