RamaSchneider t1_j4pix3x wrote
Reply to Maple Syrup Shipping by DDozar
I think as you're here in Vermont, you're going to be able to find quality Maple sugar products pretty much anywhere you go - ask locally first. I'm more comfortable shipping the plastic jugs - if people don't like those containers, they can always pour the syrup off into something more acceptable (in my home we regularly use a glass decanter that we fill as needed from the gallon jug).
RamaSchneider t1_j4pig33 wrote
Reply to I just checked with r/birding, and apparently I DID see a Golden Eagle in Fairfield today! by Alex6095
Had a pair of Golden Eagles stop by the property once ... about 30 years ago. Absolutely majestic and HUGE. I swear the male stood almost as tall as 5' 10" me.
RamaSchneider t1_j4ph1d1 wrote
Here's a point of personal responsibility for folks to keep in mind: not a single one of us was born racist. Some of us were raised by our families and communities to be that way, and some of us weren't.
Yeah - looking at you "adults".
RamaSchneider t1_j4zh7rz wrote
Reply to How to Best Experience VT? by Strict_Ad_846
Vermont has been very good to me and my family. I came up here after leaving the military in 1981 and never doubted this is where I belong.
Having said that, Vermont is populated by humans. There is nothing uniquely Vermont about Vermonters other then the fact we're from the state of Vermont.
What's important to you?