RamaSchneider OP t1_jdlx6u0 wrote
Reply to comment by Antimutt in What happens if it turns out that being human is not that difficult to duplicate in a machine? What if we're just ... well ... copyable? by RamaSchneider
That bit about "need to be transferable", I like that and it does indeed need to be there for a human to AI machine comparison. Thanks for mentioning that.
[Edit] Does that mean that humans are sub-computer?
RamaSchneider OP t1_jdlidhn wrote
Reply to comment by richstowe in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
66 myself, and I think New Hampshire is one that has more reps per voters, I'm not sure about other states.
As I said, I think it's about more then just a dollar figure. It's about how we run our common government.
When the Paine Mountain School District (at that time we still called it "Central Vermont Unified Union School District") held it's first organizational meeting, I made sure to push for an increase in what school board members were receiving for a stipend.
I pushed for it so fewer folks would be facing financial barriers to serving their community. I think this issue is important.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jdgph99 wrote
Reply to comment by Dukaso in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
What you really need to do is ask the mods about the Rama-hater club that likes to keep you from seeing and reading what I post. You yourself pointed out the numbers that don't seem to make sense, and that's why they don't make sense.
All you have to do is sort posts and comments by "new", however, and the Rama-haters fail again.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jdgonjo wrote
Reply to comment by richstowe in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
I get your point, but the flip side of that argument is that the more legislators there are, the more diffuse political decision making power is and the easier it is for locals to access their state reps.
It it's just about money, then I'll agree with your assessment. But I believe it is about more then just money.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jde7cmb wrote
Reply to comment by Dukaso in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
No, I'm not ALLOWED. I don't have the mod's permission to do so. It's a permission thing, it isn't about otherwise available methods.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jde4fv1 wrote
Reply to comment by Dukaso in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
I'm done with lunch and gotta run, but I'll try one more time heading out the door: regarding your point about me not editing the headline or putting it in as a regular post .... I am not allowed to.
That's the same as "I am not allowed to."
Take me at my word.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jddxgnh wrote
Reply to comment by Dukaso in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
Okay, I give up ... what the fuck are you talking about now?
The only way I could post the the article was with heading unchanged from link. Get it? I've nothing to unsay. Read what I wrote and not what you wanted me to write.
For fuck's sake.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jddlw35 wrote
Reply to comment by Dukaso in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
I'm not allowed to alter the title.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jdbxndj wrote
Reply to comment by EscapedAlcatraz in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
If I'm "chief shit stirrer" in this sub then you don't have:
a) shit;
b) a pot to stir it in; and
c) a spoon to stir with even if you had a pot which you don't!
In other words - you're imagination is running away with what you want to see happening as opposed to what IS happening.
But, as I've done before and as I don't do my public life cloaked in anonymity, let's talk it out in a non-anonymous, civil, personally in public manner.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jdbxd8m wrote
Reply to comment by 420MaxGod in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
Ooooo, mods - "we don't have a job to do, just a title to show off and beat our breasts with"
RamaSchneider OP t1_jdbx9yw wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
You just defined bigotry, only you don't realize it right now.
"I can't define who I am unless I define who somebody else is by their place of birth." - That's what is reads like to me.
PS. Wanna talk this out? I don't hide behind anonymity in my public sphere. I'll sit down with you in public and civilly discuss this issue of birth placed bigotry. In public with full disclosure of identities.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jd78x7j wrote
Reply to comment by Rogers_Ebert in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
The above is one of the most useless comments possible, has no bearing on the subject, nothing to do with Vermont ... and should be removed by the mods.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jd78sc9 wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Vermont Lawmakers Are Preparing to Double Their Salaries by RamaSchneider
That's the article title - so click bait, if it exists here, is on Seven Days.
I think you should drop the place of birth bigotry too.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jd73jp6 wrote
I believe that we need younger folks in our government setting policy right now. This is important for humanity's future, and if they need some financial help to do the hard work, then I say let them have some financial help.
RamaSchneider t1_jcxosm0 wrote
Reply to Is Runamok a good maple syrup brand? by kitokspasaulis
If it's genuine maple syrup, then there is actually very little information to be gained from the packaging.
Darker syrup will have a stronger flavor and lighter syrup will have a lighter but much cleaner taste. I'm a lighter syrup snob, but the darker is better for cooking in my opinion. Try some of a couple different syrups for yourself.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jcoltr5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Clergy reporting bill fails to make key legislative deadline over constitutional concerns by RamaSchneider
So tell me how it works then, and let's figure out how to keep religious leaders from covering up some of the worst crimes imaginable.
PS. I don't think ANY religion will be found to legally aid and abet child molestation, rape, murder and torture. I do not think that will be found constitutional.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jcokzfx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Clergy reporting bill fails to make key legislative deadline over constitutional concerns by RamaSchneider
I guess the kids could challenge on the basis of constitutional protections too, but they'd have to do that after the fact and all the damage. The churches get to cover up the abuse in a proactive fashion.
Fine, maybe a court would throw it out, but until that moment there'd be that much more protections for the children.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jcofd1s wrote
Reply to Clergy reporting bill fails to make key legislative deadline over constitutional concerns by RamaSchneider
And a huge fuck you to Sen. Dick Sears, D-Bennington too for putting the rights of big, organized, world-wide religion ahead of the rights of children to not be molested, raped, murdered, tortured or other.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jcof7hn wrote
Reply to Clergy reporting bill fails to make key legislative deadline over constitutional concerns by RamaSchneider
Organized religion .... it makes child molestation, rape, murder, torture and more a question of constitutional protection for religion.
I'm for the kids - fuck the churches.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jbujhuq wrote
Reply to comment by faceswithfires in Did you know? by RamaSchneider
Reading the room - 2K views and a handful of downvotes.
Direct enough?
RamaSchneider OP t1_jbujbvp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Did you know? by RamaSchneider
Your math sucks and is incomplete.
Worst case scenario is there is only one upvote on this post (mine) and any other votes are downvotes. I'm looking at 10% upvote rate, which would mean 9 down and 1 up .... (ready for this?) ... on 2000+ views.
9 downvotes = approximately 0.45% of the viewers. Double the number of up and down votes? You're still under 1%.
So yeah, you and your little band of Rama-haters is just that - little.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jbstfej wrote
Reply to comment by faceswithfires in Did you know? by RamaSchneider
You think I would "imply" me? Really? I'm now going to get grief for not being direct and blunt enough? Fuck me.
Have you come up with a percentage of r/vermont posts are mine?
What's too much? Once a week? Month? Day?
I'm not responding because I really care about the outcome of all this redditing in r/vermont thing; but I'm always curious as to how people (including myself) come up with views.
Suggestions as worded above are so amorphous as to meaning that at least to me they are meaningless.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jbse02f wrote
Reply to comment by deadowl in Did you know? by RamaSchneider
Maybe, just maybe, folks who make comments like yours just aren't in my bucket of people I'd like to associate with.
On the other hand, I've made the offer before and I'll leave it out there: I'll sit down in a public social meeting with ANYBODY in the sub and talk about the issues and not how much you don't like Rama.
The prior are meaningful, the latter is your issue to deal with.
RamaSchneider OP t1_jbsds7d wrote
Reply to comment by nixxon in Did you know? by RamaSchneider
The object is to shut me up. Period. I don't care what their rationale is, the object to censor what others get to see and read.
And as a mod, then, you can confirm that folks can get around others trying to censor what they see by clicking on "new", right?
Sure you can, its how Reddit is designed to operate.
RamaSchneider t1_jdq29kc wrote
Reply to comment by MadDocsDuck in Printed organs becoming more useful than bio ones by TheRappingSquid
(Asking from general ignorance) I've read about telomeres and telomerase and how the telomeres keep shrinking as our cells divide and how once that telomerase is gone, the cell is dead.
Any accuracy there?