
RandomChurn t1_iuqvob2 wrote

Thank you for this comprehensive reply: so interesting! I didn't grow up here so my knowledge about both RI and Providence is woefully lacking. This bit:

> Providence was still a large city in the US (in 1950 it was the same population as Miami for instance)

is totally new to me. Was Providence once much bigger / densely populated, or is it that it stopped growing at the rate that other comparably-sized cities did?


RandomChurn t1_iujmofy wrote

>I do miss gated complexes and parking garages though.

I almost chortled at that -- where the city sprawls over 300+ square miles like Dallas, yes but there's no city anywhere in the Northeast where you'd see this.

Closest would be an apt. building with a concierge and private parking garage, which you can find for a price here.


RandomChurn t1_iuhe9o6 wrote

>so with the pandemic, I have not cut my hair in the past nearly 3 years

Been three years for me, too. Thanks for the idea ❀️


RandomChurn t1_iu93i8t wrote

Some sort of Halloween event is being held today at the Botanical Gardens in Roger Williams Park. Everything at the park is well worth a visit: Zoo, Natural History Museum, Planetarium, Botanical Gardens (in a vast greenhouse-like conservatory), and the park itself, designed by the same guy that designed Central Park. On a peak-foliage day like today it will be gorgeous. (And there's a jackolantern event there too, but it's at night.) Apsara, quite near the Elmwood entrance, is great food.


RandomChurn t1_iu8i9by wrote

> the MAIN factor in deciding who I will be voting for.

All I needed was the indelible memory of him wearing the MAGA hat and looking like a cub scout having his best day ever ... and clearly I am not alone because the opposition is using that as the thumbnail for their YouTube "attack ads" πŸ˜† -- really, that pic is all the ammo they need


RandomChurn t1_iu8hijh wrote

>barbecued cow heart

Haha, triggered πŸ˜† .. I can still vividly recall my horror as a young child when my mother put on the dining table an oxblood-colored Bootonware platter bearing a giant unadorned cow's tongue .. I could easily make out the individual taste buds :: shudder ::


RandomChurn t1_iu8gdpr wrote

I'm not sure if it's the custom where you're from but here, kids will go to the houses that have their front door outside lights on.

Happy First RI Halloween, OP! πŸŽƒ


RandomChurn t1_iu3vus8 wrote

> and do they really charge $150/month?

Sorry, no idea but am really interested to hear the answer -- if no one answers here, I hope you'll update us when you find out.


RandomChurn t1_itvv1k5 wrote

No one in my family has allergies. Yet I got them in my mid-30s. Definitely allergic asthma, plus tree pollen, dogs (probably cats but I haven't tried living with those since), maybe ragweed, and oral allergies to certain food, and probably other stuff too -- it's crazy. And sucks.

A lot of people have trouble with mold in the fall.


RandomChurn t1_itkqqr0 wrote

Some visit, I highly recommend touring Blithewold in Bristol, a beautiful mansion on the water.

A mother and daughter who lived there spent their lives bringing rare trees from their travels around the globe to plant there, like their own private arboretum. You can tour inside too.

Best times to go are around Christmas when they have events, or my favorite: springtime, when tens of thousands of daffodils bloom in their "bois" (lightly wooded areas). Idyllic.


RandomChurn t1_it6usxb wrote

I live in Fox Point on the East Side of Providence. Highly desirable neighborhood in a lot of people's eyes (and I love it) but as for "Definitely run-down and sketchy looking" haha, that's a LOT of Fox Point πŸ˜† ... personally, I prefer it to the overly-manicured preciousness of, say, the neighboring Wayland neighborhood.

If I had a car and didn't want to live in a city, I'd 100% consider West Warwick.


RandomChurn t1_it6u3u6 wrote

I'm with you, Sis. Only been there once that I know of, to pick up my new rescue dog. Everything we drove through looked typical middle-class suburbia if not nicer, and her neighborhood was definitely upper middle class: large lots (acre? acre+?) with lots of mature trees, woods. Her house was def a notch above middle class πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ