
Randym1982 t1_j6kajsc wrote

Didn't he mention that he also edits his own manuscripts and usually waits like 3-5 weeks before a re-read/rewrite.

I think most Publishers and editors know that his books sell more than anybody else, and have for the past 50 years. So they allow them the comfort to kind of do whatever he wants.


Randym1982 t1_j6k9zi0 wrote

I felt that It had a bit more highs than lows, but the lows were kind of "wtf?" and a bit stupid. The highs?

>!The whole backstory on Derry. THe Lumbermill massacre. The gangsters getting shot to death while Pennywise dances in the background. Pennywise basically turning into 60's and 70's type monsters while tormenting the kids. !<

That stuff was the best parts of the book to me. Some of the other stuff was a bit of a slog to get through.


Randym1982 t1_iv20s3o wrote

I liked SOME episodes in the later seasons. But the seasons basically became Good Episodes, Bad Season.

They would introduce a really neat idea and then basically not follow up on it at all or have it play out in the background (due to not having the budget). Season 6 with Alpha's and the Weapons of Heaven went nowhere.