
RazorBlade9x t1_j2f8jal wrote

The unquestionable faith some people have on their government and the media is quite astounding. Now, I can't say for sure whether he used chemical weapons, but from past experiences, it's imperative to say that any narrative coming out of the US government needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

The US government and media have been using the same old playbook of slapping human rights accusations, WMDs, chemical weapons, genocide etc. on countries it wants to toe their line.

Maybe you should also try to check what Assad has to say about it in his interviews. Just get the views from both sides.

Last time I checked there were women walking on the streets of Damascus without forced veils and without accompanied by a male. By removing Assad from Syria (one of the few secular ME countries) you're probably gonna bring ISIS there. Then it will become Afghanistan 2.0 but with much more deadlier ISIS.