Reasonable_Move9518 t1_ixsv3jv wrote
3/10. Failed Storrowing, did not make it to Storrow. No roof crumpling, no wheel twist, none of the physical aspects of a storrowing. Visible staties, no blurred "Clearance" marker. Canadian commercial driver.
Points for the epic backup, photos of people giving up in frustration and walking and/or just laying on the sidewalls.
Reasonable_Move9518 t1_ixkrscv wrote
Reply to comment by too-cute-by-half in The lack of homes could strangle our life sciences industry: Why the concentration of biopharma in Cambridge and Boston would ratchet up costs, exacerbate the housing crisis, and pitch the region from its throne. by writethefuture3
Definitely helped but not the full story. The entire biotech sector has been surging for 5-10 years, a combo of a build up of capital in the low-interest rate era and multiple quite highly promising new therapeutic approaches in several disease areas. A little less clear now that interest rates are actually a thing and investors care about things like turning a profit, but the fundamentals are likely pretty strong going forward.
It's not just Boston (and thus not the result of any state investment/initiative); all the traditional biotech hubs have had huge growth, though since some of this has been masked because some biotech hubs (Bay Area, Seattle) overlap with Tech hubs which have grown even more.
Reasonable_Move9518 t1_ixkq122 wrote
Reply to The lack of homes could strangle our life sciences industry: Why the concentration of biopharma in Cambridge and Boston would ratchet up costs, exacerbate the housing crisis, and pitch the region from its throne. by writethefuture3
Scientist here. A bit ironic, given that Cambridge literally tried its hardest to ban biotechnology at the local level in the 1970's, in part because the old-school Mayor of Cambridge liked using "those people in white coats" as a political punching bag and just straight-up NIMBYism at vicious 1AM city council meetings:
Reasonable_Move9518 t1_ixkmqww wrote
Reply to comment by Vassukhanni in The lack of homes could strangle our life sciences industry: Why the concentration of biopharma in Cambridge and Boston would ratchet up costs, exacerbate the housing crisis, and pitch the region from its throne. by writethefuture3
Scientist here. Biotech didn't really "move" here... Boston was one of the first places where the type of businesses we now call biotech were invented in the late 70's and early 80's. It's just grown substantially since then, especially in the last 5-10 years.
Reasonable_Move9518 t1_ix9lat9 wrote
Reply to comment by boston_acc in So uh… are these Jehovahs Witnesses at the T stations ever going to go away? by jWalkerFTW
Also add in religions that favor high birthrates...
I think Dune got it right... the far future of humanity will be more religious not less, due to "spreadability", fervency, and higher birthrates in religious vs. secular communities.
Reasonable_Move9518 t1_ix9g1lm wrote
Reply to comment by boston_acc in So uh… are these Jehovahs Witnesses at the T stations ever going to go away? by jWalkerFTW
Lifetime average is certainly greater than 1. Otherwise the number of witnesses would decline over time. Even if it is slightly greater than 1... the religion spreads exponentially.
Spread of religions (and other social movements more broadly) follow viral dynamics: if the avg number of converts is greater than the average number of of believers, the religion or movement grows exponentially. If it is less than 1, it decays exponentially. If it is exactly 1, it remains the same size.
Reasonable_Move9518 t1_iv1qtmx wrote
Reply to comment by CraftySauropod in Total eclipse next Tuesday (Nov 8) early morning by scottsinct
Kind of a big detail there...
Reasonable_Move9518 t1_iuwlrsv wrote
Thank you for your efforts and for passing the torch.
To the new mods, maybe ask the r/Somerville mods what their approach/policies are? That sub seems to have a lot more activity and "local interest" posts that a "small city sub " should have, and less spammy/trollish posts (or just flat-out weird shit). I've always wondered why the r/Somerville and r/CambridgeMA subs seemed to be different and why r/CambridgeMA was often just so weird.
Reasonable_Move9518 t1_iu1hahk wrote
Bagelsaurus T-rex. It's actually almond butter, banana+bacon, but same energy.
Reasonable_Move9518 t1_iy62tvd wrote
Reply to comment by vhalros in Is there life after Darwin’s? by reveazure
The PK is great!! But like the opposite of Darwin’s.
Darwin’s is a mid sized, high quality sandwich, with good speciality coffee and a hipster/I-forgot-it’s-not-1998-anymore vibe. At a high price.
PK is a gigantic, mid quality but tasty sandwich, not sure if they have coffee but if they do it’s dirty water, and a construction worker/I-forgot-it’s-not-1978-anymore vibe.
Excellent though and the PK dude deserves the business increase after Darwin’s.