
RelationshipJust9556 t1_j05eg79 wrote

Never a guarantee to hit water. I'm sure that skillings has 100 stipulations in the contract.


why they stop? drill rig couldn't go deeper( not all rigs are created equal), They reached contracted depth, informed contractee and they decline further drilling for additional costs, They found a pocket of water that dried up quickly


RelationshipJust9556 t1_iy6ou20 wrote

Dover just finished one, now its starting another 3 minutes down the road from the one just built. and 2 other storage facilities 5 minutes from these locations.


New ones going in at the old farmland that they wanted to do some minor league base ball sports jamboree thingy. This one is a real shame as it was a beautiful landscape, to be turned into some ugliness.


RelationshipJust9556 t1_it4k32x wrote

There has to be a live feed of that circle somewhere. I can only imagine the amount of near misses per hour that thing creates.

I’ve had to hard break in the circle as a tractor trailer was going in and I didn’t want to be smushed. Mid cursing of him I suddenly thought. Well wtf was he to do not like he can zoom out from full stop


RelationshipJust9556 t1_irdbpkr wrote

just wait till the boomers die off, then it will be really bad.

Christ My dads still goes out working he's near 80 climbing ladders hammering nails. rans own buisness, last 10 years unable to find help at all. guys show up 1-2 days a week


Oh and drugs drugs have really torn up the trades, from doc prescribed to self medicated. addiction and abuse is rampant.