Wow, this is really concerning. It's important for people to have control over their own personal health information and for it to be handled with the utmost privacy and security. It's unsettling to think that all of these telehealth startups are sending sensitive health information to big tech companies without proper consent. It's crucial that measures are put in place to ensure that people's health data is protected and not used for any nefarious purposes.
Relaxedpuma t1_j0e9nl9 wrote
Reply to “Out Of Control”: Dozens of Telehealth Startups Sent Sensitive Health Information to Big Tech Companies | An investigation by The Markup and STAT found 49 out of 50 telehealth websites sharing health data via Big Tech’s tracking tools by Hrmbee
Wow, this is really concerning. It's important for people to have control over their own personal health information and for it to be handled with the utmost privacy and security. It's unsettling to think that all of these telehealth startups are sending sensitive health information to big tech companies without proper consent. It's crucial that measures are put in place to ensure that people's health data is protected and not used for any nefarious purposes.