
ResponsibleExcuse727 t1_jcg136t wrote

Also the xenophobia is a little warranted. Vermont is becoming a place everyone wants to move to with not many houses. Creating bidding wars on homes paying 200-300k over appraisal value. Forces reappraisals and eventually raises everyone’s property taxes. It’s kind of just how the world works these days but as a townie Vermonter you can kind of understand where they’re coming from.


ResponsibleExcuse727 t1_j8t6em3 wrote

I wouldn’t walk through someone’s land and just fish in their river, but I haven’t heard of anyone having problems fly fishing, especially since you can wade to those spots. There are a lot of river access pull offs all over the state. I’m not sure on easement laws but I’ve been fishing this state for as long as I can remember and have never had any issue granted there are a lot of new homeowners who may not understand how it works around here. You could always reach out to our fish and wildlife dept for those laws.