
ReturnedFromExile t1_iwu9ltw wrote

i agree with you about the culture, it’s terrible and i am sympathetic. the “ us vs them” thought overrides everything, to the point that someone trying to do the right thing is completely ostracized. The “right” thing to do in that environment is to keep your fucking mouth shut.


ReturnedFromExile t1_iwte3u9 wrote

the other reason is because a ridiculous number of police officers are abusing the disability system ( which they FOP also encourages and facilitates ). Ya see in a normal union world there is “ management “ and more importantly contractual recourse. But in the PPD everyone below the Deputy Commissioner are in the same “ union “. Sweet deal for them, accountable to basically no one but a couple of political appointees that will always be new or soon gone.

AND here’s the best part. The worse it gets the more money the PPD gets


ReturnedFromExile t1_iwtci7y wrote

I don’t understand that either since everywhere I’ve worked the good workers would really prefer that the bad workers were fired, or at least punished. Especially if their continued employment made my job harder or less safe. It’s a real morale killer.

But in the police force, it works differently.