
RevengencerAlf t1_iyd7xjl wrote

Forget underdeveloped brain, at 23 just no human being on earth has the kind of life experience and leadership experience to give them the context needed to make meaningful, properly informed decisions running something as big as a town. Even if they're prodigy smart and understand all the technicalities of the job.


RevengencerAlf t1_ixwa1yx wrote

Meanwhile I bet if you polled all the teachers in that school you'd find a significant chunk claiming they have to buy classroom supplies with their own money.

School systems are chronically run by idiots with their heads up their asses. My high school spent a fuckton of money remodeling the building to look like a goddamn hospital but they couldn't get the gym roof to stop leaking for 20 years before that because they would spend money on dumb shit like new playground toys because some fuckwit went to a seminar that said dumb shit about slides being classist


RevengencerAlf t1_ixox364 wrote

Reply to comment by LifeOfTired in Liquor stores open? by Lber127

To be fair Thanksgiving specifically is supposed to be a secular national holiday. I would support forcing all businesses that don't provide a critical service to be closed so their employees can actually get the day off for this one instance.


RevengencerAlf t1_iv76kol wrote

You are entitled to basically a week of sick time a year in most cases under MA law. It is not negotiable. It is absolutely illegal for them to retaliate against you for using that sick time.

However, they generally may impose reasonable notice requirements on it, (For example you can't just disappear for 3 days without calling them and then say oh yeah btw I was sick unless you were legitimately incapacitated beyond doing so).


RevengencerAlf t1_iurqo7v wrote

It's an absolute dogshit ban that is looking for a problem to solve and making it worse in the process.

Most of our textile "donations" already just go towards fucking up the economies of developing countries, and donating additional lower-quality crap that people would have thrown away before will make this even worse.

Aside from that, you can just intentionally soil any product you want to discard and not be breaking the law. But I'm sure for people that doesn't occur to we'll just see more dumping of mattresses and stuff in vacant lots.


RevengencerAlf t1_iu4wdbe wrote

Even if they didn't There are still far too many bootlicking sycophants who fly thin blue line flags and worship police in general. Plus all of the supposed free thinkers who don't explicitly worship cops but ignorantly repeat dumb bullshit about bad apples and believe the lie that there are loads of good cops out there trying to do the right thing at all times.


RevengencerAlf t1_iu11u6a wrote

Yep, and each and every one of those pills is a potential danger that a legitimate prescription is not likely to be. Someone resorting to those channels could get anything from a properly functioning medication to one that is too potent, not potent enough, straight up missing the active ingredient, or laced (intentionally or not) with some other dangerous substance.


RevengencerAlf t1_it5m7yt wrote


The word you're actually looking for is revenue.

Money that comes from things like royalties and usage agreements are generally not sales and certainly not gross sales.

Of course all this is an irrelevant digression from the fact that "stranger things" doesn't "gross" anything because it is streamed, universally, because a view of it generates no discrete payment or revenue of any kind. The best you can do is look at its share of viewing hours which is not "grossing" anything and estimate how much it plays a role in the overall value proposition for the average netflix subscriber.