
Revolutionary_Bee700 t1_it5hhzs wrote

I got a fancy locking outdoor box for my stoopand the delivery people couldn’t even bother to press the latch on top to lock it closed. So don’t get one if you expect them to do one step more than toss it inside. I NEVER had success with giving them the code for multiple deliveries. Hell, one delivery guy walked around my box in the middle of my stoop to set a parcel by my door anyway.

I finally just got a PO Box. Most if not all of the post offices in the city now support direct addressing, so your Box has a street address and the box number looks like an apt number. I get Amazon, fedex, etc all sent to my handy and cheap PO Box! If you buy the smallest one, they just hold your packages at the counter for you. Some even have Amazon-ish lockers for easy pickup with a QR code.


Revolutionary_Bee700 t1_isoqkpx wrote

Side question- Why does everyone do the E A G L E S chant many times at every sport, though? Are people this proud they can spell? Like, if I’m at the damn NLDS and folks are still more focused on football. Can we support the team on the field and in the playoffs for a few hours, vs the team at the start of the regular season? I realize this is a minor pet peeve, but why not P H I L L I E S or S I X E R S or whatever?
