Revolutionary_Fix30 t1_jedmf5h wrote
Reply to comment by You_Yew_Ewe in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
Of course they are. Who knows what's in the payload.
Revolutionary_Fix30 t1_jed9ph3 wrote
Reply to Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
I wonder if any country ever sent a nuke real far out into space and lit it up to see what happened. Not like we would know about it...
Revolutionary_Fix30 t1_jeej1rk wrote
Reply to comment by Zondagsrijder in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
Wow, that's insane. I stand corrected.