RhaenyrasUncle t1_j2ej8wp wrote
Reply to comment by Meverseyou in People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
I love the people in the fresh pond rotary who try to stay IN the rotary from the outside lane.
The amount of times I've almost T-boned idiots who do this.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j2eirmt wrote
Reply to comment by EarlGrey57 in Boston Daily Discussion Thread, Friday December 30 by AutoModerator
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j2b4qne wrote
Reply to comment by Sonicjm in Boston Daily Discussion Thread, Friday December 30 by AutoModerator
A stop sign = yield to traffic that has the ROW.
It means the same thing.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j2b07ti wrote
Reply to comment by Sonicjm in Boston Daily Discussion Thread, Friday December 30 by AutoModerator
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j2a64j1 wrote
Reply to comment by 5teerPike in Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
It only applies to earned income, so very few.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j2a607w wrote
Reply to comment by Chippopotanuse in Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
This just proves you could hand Democrats a bucket of shit, and yall would still be like: "See? The Dems care about us. Republicans didn't even try to hand us a bucket of shit!"
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j2a5m58 wrote
Reply to comment by Chippopotanuse in Top state officials, including governor, set to receive a 20 percent pay hike, the largest in years by SomethingDrastic
The government isn't run like a business, hence the employees of the government should not be compensated like it is a business. It is public service for a reason.
> Make no mistake about it. If you are a working man and vote R, you vote against your interest.
You have not established this to be true, yet.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j28r468 wrote
Reply to comment by bbqturtle in Boston Daily Discussion Thread, Friday December 30 by AutoModerator
Yellow flashing = ROW
Red flashing = yield to cross-traffic
Ambulance without emergency lights on is to be treated as just a regular vehicle. 30mph is the speed limit in most places, so they should be going 30mph.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j1a6tt8 wrote
Reply to comment by bittlelum in Parents, students take issue with handling of violence at Medford High School: Students walked out of class on Wednesday to protest what they described as an unsafe learning environment. by TouchDownBurrito
There would be less kids shot in schools, with increased police presence.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j19sopa wrote
Reply to comment by fakecrimesleep in Parents, students take issue with handling of violence at Medford High School: Students walked out of class on Wednesday to protest what they described as an unsafe learning environment. by TouchDownBurrito
Well off families don't send their kids to Medford High.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j18entw wrote
Reply to comment by ohhgrrl in Parents, students take issue with handling of violence at Medford High School: Students walked out of class on Wednesday to protest what they described as an unsafe learning environment. by TouchDownBurrito
Zero-tolerance policies often tie the hands of teachers/adults from even touching students on the shoulder to pull them away from a fight.
Even more reason why we should hire armed teachers who are trained police officers and thus exempt from these zero-tolerance policies.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j18efu1 wrote
Reply to comment by Photog1981 in Parents, students take issue with handling of violence at Medford High School: Students walked out of class on Wednesday to protest what they described as an unsafe learning environment. by TouchDownBurrito
You have a kid with no father nor male father figure...a mother who works 2-3 jobs and is never home...he gets in trouble at school, what does he have to fear?
He gets arrested? Immediately adds to his clout. Who is going to discipline him? Who does he have to fear?
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j18e5lq wrote
Reply to comment by Chippopotanuse in Parents, students take issue with handling of violence at Medford High School: Students walked out of class on Wednesday to protest what they described as an unsafe learning environment. by TouchDownBurrito
If its anything like my experience going to school in dorchester, its a neighborhood thing. Kids from Neighborhood A fight kids from Neighborhood B, fight kids from Neighborhood C, etc.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j18e0z6 wrote
Reply to comment by popornrm in Parents, students take issue with handling of violence at Medford High School: Students walked out of class on Wednesday to protest what they described as an unsafe learning environment. by TouchDownBurrito
Wont somebody please think of the bureacrats?
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j18dxue wrote
Reply to comment by itsonlyastrongbuzz in Parents, students take issue with handling of violence at Medford High School: Students walked out of class on Wednesday to protest what they described as an unsafe learning environment. by TouchDownBurrito
Medford High is a magnet school.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j18ds23 wrote
Reply to comment by No_Judge_3817 in Parents, students take issue with handling of violence at Medford High School: Students walked out of class on Wednesday to protest what they described as an unsafe learning environment. by TouchDownBurrito
I mean, context is key.
And in today's "zero-tolerance" culture, context is often overlooked.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_iy5fpl6 wrote
How is it that AGAIN they cancelled the New England Auto Show? They claim, "Theres no cars available", yet every other state has been hosting auto shows regularly over the past 2 years.
Wtf is going on?
RhaenyrasUncle t1_ixcu5gr wrote
The charred caesar at The Abby is pretty damn good.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_ix7vy6m wrote
Love. 🥰
RhaenyrasUncle t1_ix459bo wrote
Man discovers horizon.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_ivphe1i wrote
Reply to comment by 737900ER in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
Correct. But all of those people are documented, aka here legally.
We're discussing undocumented individuals.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_ivpa5an wrote
Reply to comment by Absurd_nate in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
> The license doesn’t give them the ability to vote, and this law doesn’t give a pathway to citizenship, so I don’t really see the issue with it.
The goal is not to give noncitizens citizenship, but rather to give noncitizens the right to vote in our elections. With drivers licenses, they would now have official, state-recognized identification, which can be used as the basis for voter registration.
Noncitizen voting rights was on the ballot in Oregon this election, and just barely failed. I wouldnt be surprised if it comes up in a few other states in 2024, and possibly passes somewhere in 2026. Might even be in our own state.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_ivp90fs wrote
Reply to What Boston suburbs are LGBT+ friendly? by Icy-Egg-7755
All of them.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_ius6xu9 wrote
Reply to comment by Techygal9 in New research from the University of Vermont finds the most viewed content on TikTok relating to food, nutrition and weight perpetuates a toxic diet culture among teens and young adults and that expert voices are largely missing from the conversation by Wagamaga
Which is why it is important that we carefully analyze the legitimacy of any call for "experts".
Unfortunately, facts are subjective in today's world. Objective truths are often considered "misinformation" by "experts" with an agenda.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_j2ejhyf wrote
Reply to comment by cptngali86 in People who stop because they’ve missed their turn on a rotary- do you realize it’s a circle? by roadtrip-ne
Forgive them, they were chatting on the phone the whole 15-20 seconds they were driving up the on-ramp, when they should have been scanning traffic to time their merge.