RobBrown4PM t1_j24m7i5 wrote
Reply to comment by seanofkelley in What was a weak episode of one of your favorite TV Shows? by Calm-Hovercraft9858
Such a bad episode. There isn't a single thing in Sub Rosa that isn't uber cringe, unnerving, and generally just bad.
Beverly boinking Casper the (Not) Planet Scotland Ghost, and getting off is peak bad Trek. Worse than Georgies romance episodes. Worse than all of VOY. Worse than Code of Honor. Worse than PIC and DISC combined (and that's saying something).
Edit: Spelling
RobBrown4PM t1_j24lg7n wrote
Reply to comment by seacra84 in What was a weak episode of one of your favorite TV Shows? by Calm-Hovercraft9858
Can't believe they killed Fisk off like that. And in a shitty filler episode too boot.
Like everything else related to the Pegasus, he was doomed to die for shitty reasons.
RobBrown4PM t1_j24mnay wrote
Reply to comment by tdg5014 in What was a weak episode of one of your favorite TV Shows? by Calm-Hovercraft9858
I stopped watching after S2 whne it took the whole season for us learn what everyone k ew, that it was the little girl in the barn the whole time. Oh, and the unlimited ammo cheat when they fight the hoard.