Robo_Ross t1_jb6ugab wrote
Reply to comment by p251 in [OC] USA Counties, change in median listing price for residential real estate on MLS (Multiple Listing System), February 2022 to February 2023 by michigician
Have you ever stopped to wonder why we have SF and Oakland set up the way they are? Racism is just as alive in the bay area, folks are just good at NIMBYing the "undesirables" away and making empty gestures.
Robo_Ross t1_iyegxwq wrote
Reply to comment by Mit3210 in The Decline of British Blue Collar Stories On Screen: 25 years since NIL BY MOUTH first hit screens, Gary Oldman’s film has become a relic of a time when working-class stories were major cinematic events. What happened? by Bullingdon1973
If you read the article and follow up on the comments they are referring to I don't think the assessment holds water. The claims are:
- political interference in antisemitism complaints
- failure to provide adequate training to those handling antisemitism complaints
- harassment
The first is that they didn't take the claims of anti-semitism seriously in regards to Corbin due to his anti-israel stance. Which... is a valid political stance. Israel is an apartheid state, it is valid to critique it.
The second assumes that the first is an issue. i.e. Corbin was not given adequate material after his statement. That assumes the first issue is indeed an issue.
The third, the "harassment" by Ken Livingston and Pam Brodly were is defense of Corbin's stance. Ken incidence of harassment was the statement: "It’s not anti-Semitic to hate the Jews of Israel". Which, yeah, hard to justify. I understand the thought behind it as the voting block that that imposes the apartheid laws and militarized violence is almost entirely Jewish but it leaves out the Jewish population that fights against those things. That said, to then paint the entire labour party with the brush on anti-semetism is too far and protects zionist and apartheid policies.
Robo_Ross t1_jb6utyb wrote
Reply to comment by Music_City_Madman in [OC] USA Counties, change in median listing price for residential real estate on MLS (Multiple Listing System), February 2022 to February 2023 by michigician
As a native Californian, can we stop calling these folks Californian? Most of them come to the bay area or LA for a decade, participate in insane NIMBYism while they live here, and fuck off to whatever part of the country they came from once they fill their loot bags. They fuck up our communities by turning them into commodities which price out locals who would like to stay and then go and do the same thing when they return home. Rinse and repeat.