
Rogue100 t1_iz0w5px wrote

>As it turns out they had about 50 regimental sized units depending on how you count them.

I wonder how many of those were recomprised from the remnants of earlier regiments. A full sized regiment in the civil war was about a 1000 strong. 50k seems like a lot for a state like Maine to have provided to the war effort.


Rogue100 t1_iz0ujog wrote

The 20th Maine was a regiment though, where the heading here is units/companies. It's a bit unclear what's meant by 'unit' in the heading, which could mean a bunch of possible size groupings, but company refers to a smaller unit, of which a regiment would normally be composed of 10. So 20 regiments would mean about 200 companies.

Some more clarity on what unit sizes are actually being represented would probably make this graphic a lot easier to properly appreciate.