RonJahnPS2 t1_j6i4es6 wrote
Reply to comment by whydidilose in New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
Is MA “losing out on revenue” by selling it privately and taxing it? No they are not. It’s a pathetic excuse for the NH governments desire to monopolize marijuana.
RonJahnPS2 t1_j64gle3 wrote
Reply to comment by 1WantT0Bel1eve in What a tool by Matty_Bee63
Nova Farms I’m Dracut>sign up for VIP>save hundreds of dollars on the same products they sell everywhere else.
RonJahnPS2 OP t1_j56i505 wrote
Reply to comment by DoGooderMcDoogles in Registering your car in this city is a rip off. by RonJahnPS2
It’s absurd. I couldn’t imagine. She tried to bring up weight and I’m like uhh this is a tiny car that’s not playing into it at all. My old car was heavier and cost $104 last year. The fact that the car is new shouldn’t mean that it costs more to register. What type of nonsense logic is that? Why does some get to pay less to keep their old hunk of crap on the road?
RonJahnPS2 t1_j8nzsj9 wrote
Reply to Best barber? by Marty-McFried
Handsome Devils is a good walk in barber shop essentially geared towards younger people. You will get a decent fade from anyone there.
Varnished is good and where I go but you need an appointment and it’s expensive.