
Rottimer t1_iwuuflc wrote

LOL, so a seat flipped in the Hudson Valley/Catskills, not because it’s an off year election, but because of progressives in nyc “ignoring” crime on the subway. . . omfg, you guys will reach for anything to blame progressives.

As far as “skyrocketing” is concerned, anytime you have such low numbers to begin with, you’re going to get high percentages if things go up or down. The murder rate in Uvalde has skyrocketed. Do you think that’s because of progressives in nyc too?

If you’re truly arguing in good faith - go look this up. What are your chances of being in a car accident in nyc if you drive vs your chances of being a victim of violent crime in the subway? Which is higher?


Rottimer t1_ivtfsuh wrote

Midterm elections are always a referendum on the president in power. 2018 the midterms went very blue in response to Trump. This year it’s redder in Response to Biden. This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

Ironically, because states like Florida and Texas can gerrymander their districts and California and NY can’t, it’s very possible Dems are losing the house specifically because we’re fairer to voters than most red states.


Rottimer t1_ivhc5zy wrote

>The professor then admitted privately over email that the U.S. census count is actually 1,227,788 police. That’s 76% higher than the number they chose to use in their public article. What’s the significance of this? Using this number, they admitted to me, would mean the U.S. truthfully has “1.1 times the median rate in rich countries.”

I mean, that's fairly devastating to your argument if you're using that as a source. And while you poo poo counting border patrol, or the FBI as law enforcement, the authors in the article you linked don't make that distinction for other countries either.


Rottimer t1_iu6ekdb wrote

you mean charged with pretty serious offenses because we have reduced the number of people we keep behind bars awaiting trial for misdemeanors. It most certainly wasn't the case before bail reform where far more people would be sent to the island for non-violent offenses.

Further, "by and large" still means that there are people sitting in Rikers for non-serious offenses. And some people are put there entirely illegally.


Rottimer t1_iu1h7j5 wrote

Go to where the apartments you’re interested in are. Walk around the neighborhood. Walk to and from the train station and pay attention to surroundings. That’s the only way you’re going to tell if it makes you uncomfortable or not. Different people will have different tolerances for how dangerous a neighborhood is.

Having said all that, East Harlem has always been a shitty neighborhood and you might want to avoid it.


Rottimer t1_itpso3w wrote

I wouldn't associate with those school administrators, but my point is that if I wanted to send my child there (doesn't matter why) then I should be able to without a religious test. Maybe that's the case, I haven't tried. But I'm guessing it's not and that I would be strongly discouraged from doing so.


Rottimer t1_itpq0i4 wrote

These school administrators stole from their own community. They're not only denying those kids an even passable education, but stealing food out of the mouths of their community's children to pad their own pockets and the pockets of their friends. And you're here telling me that I'm just looking for a reason to bash them? They've proved themselves complete assholes. No one has to "look" for that.


Rottimer t1_itndeda wrote

It's not that they can't find justification for harsher charges - he's got a fuck ton of cases pending against him. The $1.5 Million is what the city has paid out so far.

>One of the two cases in the trial stemmed from an incident where, in order to strip-search a man in a holding cell after police had found him carrying a dime-bag of marijuana, Dym allegedly punched the man repeatedly, pushed his knees into the man’s body as the man lay in a fetal position and performed the cavity search, according to the CCRB.

Fuck that guy.


Rottimer t1_itmiych wrote

Which is bullshit unless the religious school doesn’t have a religious test for entry. If I can’t send my kids to that school because they’re not Jewish, then they shouldn’t be getting taxpayer money. Other religious schools, like Catholic schools, will accept any child. I have doubts the same can be said about the yeshivas.


Rottimer t1_itlntzu wrote

They won’t even fire cops that have been caught committing perjury on the stand. The commissioner just let 2 cops off with a slap on the wrist for lying on the stand saying they hadn’t received appropriate training. Cops have to be trained not to lie under oath? That’s the shit the public is dealing with.


Rottimer t1_itljwji wrote

Costing the city $1.5 Million for his bad conduct, over 50 substantiated incidents of bad conduct and he was promoted and allowed to retire without a word against him by the NYPD or the city as a whole. When the conservatives on this sub start demanding that cops like these be held accountable, then I’ll start believing their complaints against people being released after 50 arrests are being made in good faith.