
Rottimer t1_ize4xl7 wrote

Honestly, you didn’t get that type of elation in nyc when Obama won. It was more that Trump was a huge douche nozzle more than anything else. And now the Republican Party is trying to figure out how to extract him out of the presidential race without losing some of his more fervent supporters and splitting the party.


Rottimer t1_izc2rca wrote

Did you work with a broker? If they know the building they’ll be able to tell you. They want you to get the place as much as you do because it’s how they get paid. Accepting the offer is only the start. It’s getting through the board application and interview that’s the real issue.

You really want to ensure that there is a clause that you will get back your earnest money if you’re rejected by the board in your purchase agreement.


Rottimer t1_iyvn2tg wrote

People that are a danger to themselves or others have always been able to be involuntarily evaluated. Whether the cops did anything about it is different question.

The change here is the standard is loosened to include people who seemingly can’t meet their own basic needs. If can’t see how that might be abused or easily used incompetently, I can’t help you. If you can’t see how it would be a problem that though promises have been made for additional funding in the future but the policy starts today, I can’t help you.


Rottimer t1_iy2iulr wrote

Because it can be both. It's clearly a hard fucking job. That doesn't mean you dismiss claims of bias from the agencies own fucking employees.

I have a friend that's a single parent in a very high paying, demanding job. She makes a lot of money. She lives in a very high end apartment. One night her kid touched a hot pan while she was cooking. She rushed him to the ER - no serious injury though she felt horrible. The doctors told her they had to report the incident to CPS. She understood.

CPS shows up later that night, looks around in awe of the apartment and leaves within a couple of minutes. Now I know my friend isn't abusing her child. But that seemed to be a pretty cursory investigation for CPS to determine that. IF instead she was a single mother in a housing project, with plumbing that had not been fixed by the city and a lack of children's books - do you think that would have gone the same way?

In the end CPS needs to be judged on their consistency and transparency. They could absolutely be negligent in one instance, and biased in another. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.


Rottimer t1_ix4209z wrote

Oh, for fuck’s sake. I took a required writing course at an Ivy League college and I chose children’s literature. Guess what kind of books we read and wrote about in one of the top colleges on earth?

Edit: The point is, the material, out of context, is not enough to judge what a teacher or professor is looking for from the students.


Rottimer t1_iwv8dc3 wrote

Yes more violent crime happens in poorer neighborhoods which are far more likely to have POC. Would you like to explore the roots of that issue? Because the causes for that aren’t discussed by the same conservatives pushing “law and order.” And the solutions for it are just as reviled by them as bringing up those root causes.


Rottimer t1_iwv6koi wrote

Ahhh, my data is worthless. Your feelings are more accurate I assume? This is a joke of an argument. How many incidents of road rage and small property damage to cars do you think goes unreported every day? I’m guessing you just don’t like the comparison because it highlights your hyperbole.

Remind me again what the Dem to Republican ratio is in the NY State Senate and the NY State Assembly. . .


Rottimer t1_iwuzu71 wrote

If you hire a guard for each inmate, but they have unlimited paid sick days and do not have to provide a doctors note if they’ve been all week sick, and all week 2 weeks ago, and all week 4 weeks ago. . . You’re not ever going to actually have a guard for each inmate.

You’ll be paying for it, but not actually getting it.


Rottimer t1_iwuxpzy wrote

I mean, you’d think you’d be able to follow the cash that was stolen out of their bank accounts and credit cards. It’s actually a bit disturbing that some could end up dead, with tens of thousands stolen from them through bank transactions on the same night, and the cops don’t have anyone in custody for at least wire fraud months later?