
Rottimer t1_ja4sh0s wrote

Something tells me that you've never been to Cuba. Most Cuban doctors either sign up for the Cuban government to send them overseas where they can make more money, or they leave and go overseas themselves to send back money to their families. You've got a warped view of the world and should probably get out, get a job, see it for yourself.


Rottimer t1_j9yrss1 wrote

The city granted you a permit to build what you want on this land, but only for X years. You chose to build a house and now want to pretend that the permit wasn't temporary. Everyone will spend money on lawyers, but in the end, you had full knowledge of the situation when building the house.


Rottimer t1_j9joh1c wrote

No, it doesn’t. It compares each charter school student to a supposed average of equivalent traditional public school students from the traditional public school the charter school student came from. As a result it is ignoring about a third of all traditional public schools. Because it’s measuring improvement from one year to another, it’s ignoring any child in a charter school that has been there only one year including those kicked out after a year or those that didn’t transfer from a traditional public school. The report acknowledges that the feeder schools its comparing is closer in Demographics to the traditional public school system than the students they’re comparing them to.

It’s a report that uses a convoluted system the stack the deck against traditional public schools and excuses that by arguing it’s comparing how particular students would do in public vs charter schools. And I’m not surprised when they say who funded the study.


Rottimer t1_j9icrgu wrote

The problem is that charter schools have all these options and STILL perform like shit.

So why are we making traditional public schools worse in order to give money to Charters that have not proven to do better?


Rottimer t1_j9cswna wrote

>A man was killed because someone who was arrested 15+ times ( including stabbing someone ) suffered little to no consequences and was free to then steal a U-Haul go on a rampage.

>The NYPD said Sor has eight prior arrests in his home state of Nevada, including one for stabbing his brother in 2015.

Ahh, yes, NYC is now responsible for crime taking place in Nevada. . . Like I said, embarrassing attempt at trolling.