RoverTheMonster t1_j3yv0p6 wrote
Reply to comment by Hollow_Rant in Good Karma shuts down cafe after saying $17,000 was 'embezzled' from Center City location by MCgrindahFM
Yes, according to the byline on the article
RoverTheMonster t1_j3wy56j wrote
Reply to comment by mistersausage in Inky: "Crashes are down 36% on Roosevelt Blvd., thanks to speed cameras" by just_start_doing_it
Ya honestly the whole thing was infuriating. Like I had to go take a walk around the block to cool down after I left. It was an hour and 15 minutes of PPD leadership saying “it’s not our fault your lives are like this. It’s too hard to police now bc you all take videos of us and Krasner. If you want to feel safer, write to your council person to demand more money for the PPD.” Fortunately, some guy called them out for voting for FOP leadership that created and allowed the sick leave scheme so it wasn’t all “us police are so helpless, woah is us”
RoverTheMonster t1_j3wxjv1 wrote
Reply to comment by mistersausage in Inky: "Crashes are down 36% on Roosevelt Blvd., thanks to speed cameras" by just_start_doing_it
Sorry — I got this wrong (duh). I meant the white safety cameras 29th and 27th to keep an eye on those corners for public safety, not traffic
RoverTheMonster t1_j3vqi4w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Inky: "Crashes are down 36% on Roosevelt Blvd., thanks to speed cameras" by just_start_doing_it
I’ve never quite understood why Kelly and Lincoln Drives don’t at least have speed bumps. I’ve always assumed it’s a maintenance/snow removal thing
RoverTheMonster t1_j3vq9qx wrote
Reply to comment by Capkirk0923 in Inky: "Crashes are down 36% on Roosevelt Blvd., thanks to speed cameras" by just_start_doing_it
FWIW, at the Fairmount community meeting with police last night the PPD put this one on the DA (weird) and said they’re hoping Krasner’s task force will deter carjacking — whatever that means
RoverTheMonster t1_j3vpz09 wrote
Reply to comment by just_start_doing_it in Inky: "Crashes are down 36% on Roosevelt Blvd., thanks to speed cameras" by just_start_doing_it
There was a meeting with police in fairmount last night and a resident brought up this issue of speeding on Kelly Drive, and the police said exactly that: email and call Darrell Clark’s office about it and don’t stop until the cameras go up. I guess that’s how cameras were finally installed along Girard Ave in Brewerytown
(FWIW, I don’t really believe the police, but clearly the squeaky wheel gets the grease in Philly)
RoverTheMonster OP t1_j3tw74i wrote
Reply to comment by TreeMac12 in Just watched the whole street sweepers + leaf blowers thing for the first time…why can’t the city just tow cars that don’t move? by RoverTheMonster
FWIW, Kensington Ave was absolutely immaculate from Allegheny to Berks today at around 2:30 pm when I drove down it for a work appointment. I’d never even seen my own block that clean — it was remarkable
RoverTheMonster t1_j2sywbp wrote
Binge listened to WHYY’s Stop and Frisk podcast yesterday. I recommend it. The episode centering the police perspective had me screaming at the sky with frustration and IMO totally reinforced the sentiment that the FOP and police don’t give a shit about making the lives of anyone in Philly but themselves any better
RoverTheMonster t1_j22ai6l wrote
Tbh, I’m surprised Girard Ave in Brewerytown doesn’t have at least one dot w the stuff that happens at 29th
RoverTheMonster t1_j227321 wrote
Reply to Philly Fighting COVID founder sues Drexel University for expelling him after vaccine scandal by Dryheavemorning
>Andrei Doroshin alleged his former university did not allow him to defend himself before it labeled him a thief, expelled him for misconduct, and “very publicly branded [him] a racist, classist, elitist, leaving his entire future in ruins.”
Anyone have any info on this last bit (“branded him a racist, classist,” etc.)? Unsurprisingly, I couldn’t find anything with a quick Google search
RoverTheMonster t1_j226i63 wrote
Reply to comment by irishprincess007 in Philly Fighting COVID founder sues Drexel University for expelling him after vaccine scandal by Dryheavemorning
Wow, didn’t know that. Thanks for linking. What a complete dumpster fire of a father son duo. These people suck
RoverTheMonster t1_j1rnwgx wrote
Reply to comment by dustycase2 in Police sources provide more details in deadly Center City hotel shooting on Christmas Day by JBizznass
TL;DR: 24-year-old montco dude drives to cc to kill other dude his ex-boyfriend was supposed to meet up w at the hotel.
RoverTheMonster t1_j17gk9v wrote
Reply to comment by throwawaitnine in 29-Unit, Mixed-Use Project to be Built on Broad Street Diner Site - Rising Real Estate by RoughRhinos
What does “gentrify” even mean anymore?
RoverTheMonster t1_j0q5r33 wrote
Reply to comment by lemmingsagain in Scientology tower on Chestnut. Still empty after all these years. by narkj
Why do we grant religious institutions tax exemptions?
RoverTheMonster t1_j0j8qe7 wrote
Reply to comment by cielorossa in 171-Unit Project with Lidl Supermarket Breaks Ground at Broad & Girard Former CVS Site by ColdJay64
Where's the Amazon cashless grocery store?
RoverTheMonster OP t1_j0g3kkh wrote
Reply to comment by tungwill in If you’re going to be an asshole and park in a crosswalk, at least pick the side that doesn’t block the view of oncoming traffic by RoverTheMonster
What constitutes as a “non-PPA zone”? Is it anything beyond a parking sign?
RoverTheMonster t1_iye6be0 wrote
Are those tin roofs? Pretty cool
RoverTheMonster t1_iy9sf3t wrote
Have you seen Jacob Silj there?
RoverTheMonster OP t1_ixwpjj7 wrote
Reply to comment by slowlogius in We should just stop trying to recycle by RoverTheMonster
Sort of related: one of the reasons I dislike the soda tax is it incentivizes the city to allow its citizens to purchase single-use plastic bottles — which inevitably become litter — and de-incentivizes any future ban that might help in the War Against Litter
RoverTheMonster t1_ixd613t wrote
Reply to comment by DoubleDoobie in An indoor-outdoor bar for humans and dogs is coming to Fairmount this spring by ColdJay64
Ya, this is a thing I’ve experienced in Seattle. I went to two that were basically dog parks with a food truck that sells beer and cocktails. Think parks on tap with dogs everywhere. It was alright, more of a convenience for my friends who had dogs with them than anything
RoverTheMonster t1_ixb4xjn wrote
Reply to best bar to meet people to cry with by ShadowRaptor675
Ok but what about the best bars to meet 20/30/100 year olds to cry w?
RoverTheMonster t1_ivwkgf0 wrote
Reply to comment by rossdowdell in What’s a city in the US that’s the opposite of Philly? by sctthghs
Was just there last weekend and totally agree. Plus, the racial demographics are very loosely flipped (Philly is ~40% white, Seattle is ~68% white)
RoverTheMonster t1_iuk76ap wrote
Reply to Appreciation post by ilovephiladelphia
Same in Brewerytown. Neighbors still out in the rain, on wine bottle #2 with music playing, giving out candy and temporary tattoos to whoever will take them. Just ordered them a pizza
RoverTheMonster t1_iuhw77o wrote
How do we ALL of the news stations there to 1) force him to do it publicly and 2) accomplish something for us all as Philadelphians to be forever proud of
RoverTheMonster t1_j4l1u1y wrote
Reply to comment by ipaglynner in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
I have friends who bought a house there and they absolutely love it. Couple in their 30s without kids, but they’re right by the memorial park which has activities for kids throughout the year (and IMO the most underrated views in the area). One of them walks to SEPTA in Norristown to get to work, the other drives to their work in KOP. Everything they need and want is close by. Honestly, if I were to move to the burbs I’d look there