Rugfiend t1_ixhccmq wrote
Reply to comment by MissFortuneDaBes in ELI5 how does one react when stabbed from behind? by middleson_themiddle
Had this happen to a friend n Belfast - he said the same, thought he'd been punched just for several minutes.
Rugfiend t1_iv5o064 wrote
Reply to comment by BritishBedouin in [OC] Tenure Length of UK Prime Ministers by SnooPoems2010
Nothing to do with centuries of the old boys network then?
Rugfiend t1_iuwnni4 wrote
Reply to comment by SnooPoems2010 in [OC] Tenure Length of UK Prime Ministers by SnooPoems2010
And testimony to our meritocratic system is that only 20 of the 57 went to Eton school, and a mere 44 went to Oxford or Cambridge! God I love our democracy...
Rugfiend t1_irfdkhl wrote
Reply to comment by symmy546 in Where are the bars and restaurants of Europe? [OC] by symmy546
As a functional alcoholic, I approve this data! 😚
Rugfiend t1_iy896vi wrote
Reply to comment by GalFisk in eli5 Why are bridges always set at the same level (straight rather than one side shorter than the other)? by birdnerd1991
I grew up in Dundee - the Tay Bridge is about 1.5 miles long and sloped. We used to cycle across just so we could freewheel all the way back!