RunDNA t1_j20yh69 wrote

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick.

The setting was a fantastic and deeply captivating piece of alternate history: an America that lost WWII and was divided up between Japan and Germany. The actual story though was quite ho-hum and I can barely remember it (I think it had something to do with stealing antiques.)


RunDNA t1_j1r0nb0 wrote

I despise him. He says some true and original things, but in contrast to the calm Socratic tradition of philosophy he comes off like a ranting talkback host. A brilliant one, but one not right in the head and one who encourages his listeners' worst instincts. By and large I think he has had quite a damaging effect on the world.


RunDNA t1_j0jpqn7 wrote

It's a very tricky one.

>!The colors of the Rainbow are: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. And each of those seven initial letters only appear once in the whole puzzle: R, O, Y, G, B, I, V. And if you join those seven letters in the puzzle they make an arrow which points to the diagonal solution to the Color Puzzle: TEAL.!<


RunDNA t1_j0hkcgg wrote

My great-uncle spent years building up an alphabetized exercise book with every answer that appeared in his favourite daily crossword (it was a very repetitive puzzle.) And then every day he would look up every clue in his book and fill in the answer.

Do you approve or disapprove?


RunDNA t1_iso86cj wrote

It's not astroturfing. It's just a very popular book among the Reddit demographic. (I read it the week it came out and loved it.)

It's like The Count of Monte Cristo, which also generates a lot of posts. Monte Cristo is a good demonstration of how just because there is a lot of posts, doesn't mean it's astroturfing.