SSN690Bearpaw t1_j14qruf wrote
Reply to Westport elementary students sickened after ingesting THC-laced candy on school bus by jaydecay123
What about parental responsibilities with small kids in the house?
Below it is oops kids found their parents stash - blame it on an elementary school kid, THC isn’t a poison (everything is a poison in the wrong dosage), whataboutism in the gun responses….
Whoever bought it has the responsibility to keep it safe. Making excuses for them not doing that is lame. I’ll get downvoted but I’m not wrong.
SSN690Bearpaw t1_j4lmdv1 wrote
Reply to CT in a nutshell by Mortgena
A coworker and I saved a DD Halloween donut decorated like a pumpkin, crème filled. We simply put it on a napkin and left it. The orange and green icing has deteriorated and crumbled away. The donut itself has never had mold or anything on it. It looks almost edible today - just a little smaller and drier as the oil seeped out of it.
I haven’t eaten DD since then.