SadValleyThrowaway t1_jb42qwb wrote
Reply to comment by wilsonwilsonxoxo in RVA Chipotle’s are the WORST by CoffeeFiendd
I just had chipotle in Williamsburg and it was pretty good.
SadValleyThrowaway t1_jals7lu wrote
Reply to New Pokemon Trading Card League by All_In_for_Allen
I’ll trade you my blue eyes white dragon for a Tyrannomon
SadValleyThrowaway t1_jals0zx wrote
Reply to comment by Farmerjoerva in With my (limited) knowledge of pedestrian safe infrastructure, I redrew what I think would be a much safer Arthur Ashe/ Broad St intersection! by Other_Ad39
It would sort out the weak and those who can’t traffic circle
SadValleyThrowaway t1_jalrx1f wrote
Reply to comment by jaydubblu in With my (limited) knowledge of pedestrian safe infrastructure, I redrew what I think would be a much safer Arthur Ashe/ Broad St intersection! by Other_Ad39
Wait really? I fell gypped now knowing that.
SadValleyThrowaway t1_jalrsmr wrote
Reply to comment by TheBroox in With my (limited) knowledge of pedestrian safe infrastructure, I redrew what I think would be a much safer Arthur Ashe/ Broad St intersection! by Other_Ad39
It’s this skill called changing lanes
SadValleyThrowaway t1_jalrnrd wrote
Reply to comment by 10698 in With my (limited) knowledge of pedestrian safe infrastructure, I redrew what I think would be a much safer Arthur Ashe/ Broad St intersection! by Other_Ad39
A lot of the roundabouts in the us have traffic signals. Shit many don’t even have lane dividers
SadValleyThrowaway t1_jabcgw3 wrote
Reply to comment by mklaman in “After the first week in March, there is increasing concern about a hard freeze in #Virginia.” by theboyfromphl
Flaccid freeze
SadValleyThrowaway t1_ja588ut wrote
Reply to comment by Ann2040 in Man the Bowtie is really speed running shutting down at this point. by fannypax
Somebody would probably cry about it being classist or racist or something.
SadValleyThrowaway t1_ja08jnm wrote
Reply to comment by opienandm in A non-update on the murder at the 7-11 at W Broad/Meadow by opienandm
So what, you expend the same amount of energy to come to bitch on Reddit? You’re like the one person besides the victim’s family still thinking about this.
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j9z8art wrote
Reply to comment by LilNinjaBitch in Howdy! Any Manchester Utd fans here? by LilNinjaBitch
I mean, we’re in Richmond. It might be a liverpool/Tottenham themed bar but really the city is so small just a soccer bar.
I asked the bartender (maybe owner? Not sure) where he was from and who he supported and it wasn’t liverpool. I think it was a smaller club
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j9z7vm6 wrote
Reply to comment by opienandm in A non-update on the murder at the 7-11 at W Broad/Meadow by opienandm
Why dont you contact them?
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j9z7ozp wrote
Reply to comment by ImmobilizedbyCheese in A non-update on the murder at the 7-11 at W Broad/Meadow by opienandm
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j9z7nnn wrote
Reply to comment by CantBan-TheSnowman in A non-update on the murder at the 7-11 at W Broad/Meadow by opienandm
All my homies stay strapped
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j9pwd7b wrote
Reply to Best place to get tacos? by OkProduct3849
TBT or Torchys.
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j9ovbrd wrote
Reply to comment by FlexRVA21984 in Chesterfield Middle School Student Dies From Choking at School by Tayl44
I mean, whatever they tried didn’t work, so…
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j9n2drk wrote
Reply to comment by STREAMOFCONSCIOUSN3S in Chesterfield Middle School Student Dies From Choking at School by Tayl44
This is probably a stupid question, but if the heimlich isn’t working, and he’s choking on something soft and malleable like a meatball, could you like smash the victims throat to break it up?
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j9fawdu wrote
Good mix of political ideologies. Former red state that hasn’t been completely overtaken by blue yet. I think all states should be purple.
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j8wj2uh wrote
Reply to Broad & Boulevard 7-11 by momthom427
Which one?
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j6gw065 wrote
Reply to comment by Proper-Ad4006 in is there a gas station as chaotic as Wawa on A.A Blvd? by panopticon31
It’s over a 50/50 that someone will all you for money at wawa. Usually when you walk in, but several times someone came up to me at the pump
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j6c2bys wrote
Reply to comment by Loose-Violinist-1103 in Should Virginia help pay to rebuild Fox Elementary? What happens if lawmakers say 'no'? by CrassostreaVirginica
There’s really no way to appeal for an exception?
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j67if33 wrote
Reply to comment by pentarou in Virginia Union University Post Regarding Tyre Nichols by Mollysindanga
Break a few more of our windows, that’ll show us
SadValleyThrowaway t1_j67id8a wrote
Reply to comment by Mollysindanga in Virginia Union University Post Regarding Tyre Nichols by Mollysindanga
Seems like misuse of the VCU alert system
SadValleyThrowaway t1_jeh2rse wrote
Reply to comment by neutralest in What’s your favorite family friendly halal spot in Richmond? by Romulan-war-bird
It’s actually pretty decent