
Sage_Advice420 t1_iy4a42t wrote

The fuck you mean "it's not who we are as a country now"?

You been in a coma from 2012 until yesterday??

There's 2 groups of people in this country: the first group is opposed to slavery, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, fascism, and racially motivated vigilantes. The 2nd group supports all of those things.

The 2nd group elected the 45th president. The 2nd group tried to overthrow the government in a violent insurrection that resulted in the murders of 4 cops. The 2nd group has gone in record as wanting to make it illegal to marry someone of the same gender, illegal to marry someone of a different race, illegal to have access to lifesaving healthcare and prenatal care, illegal to read certain books, illegal to TEACH THAT AMERICA WAS BUILT BY RACIST SLAVE OWNERS.

One 1 group would ever deny the historical facts that this country was "discovered" by racist slavers, founded by racist slavers, spent the next few hundred years run by racist slavers and racist deacendants of slavers writing all the laws, and its not the first group of educated, compassionate people.


Sage_Advice420 t1_ixt0nn4 wrote

I would LOVE to live in Japan or Sweden or Poland or Peru or Cuba or Vietnam or Kenya or The Somoan Islands for a few weeks! Public transportation, good infrastructure, universal Healthcare, effectice firearm safety laws, free university, and open borders. Sounds fuckin awesome, mate


Sage_Advice420 t1_ixkfjwx wrote

We are far from the greatest country in the world. Our politicians fight over how much money to take away from public services. We have more empty houses than unhoused people. We throw out literally as much food as we consume, yet children go hungry and schools take away free lunches because "socialism".

And who rails against "socialism"? The same ones who fly confederate flags and say "The South will rise again!" unironically. The same people who committed treason in the Civil War had kids who had kids who had kids who had kids who.... committed sedition and tried to overthrow the government because they couldn't accept the fact that their guy lost. Because losing is such an ingrained cultural pain to them, they HAVE to lose constantly so they can feel something. And this often boils over into racially motivated violence, politically motivated violence, sexually motivated violence,.. all because the core values of the confederacy were never burned away. They were planted, nurtured, fertilized, and its getting pretty ripe with fruit nowadays..
