SarahDrish t1_jagkzwu wrote
Reply to comment by siebzy in Does anyone know where this covered bridge is? by otakugrey
When one of the investigators was interviewed by a local reporter, he specifically said the bridge had become a hangout for teens smoking pot and clearly indicated he suspected they were responsible. Unlike you, not everyone considers destruction of historic sites "fun."
SarahDrish t1_jafz7cx wrote
It was the Watson Settlement Bridge in Littleton, Maine. The bridge had become a hangout for teenage pot smokers, and in the summer of 2021, it was destroyed by fire. It is believed the fire was deliberately set, and although there's a reward for information leading to an arrest, I don't believe anyone has been arrested. Some years ago, teenage potheads burned a covered bridge in some other New England state, but I don't recall which.
SarahDrish t1_j8urqmw wrote
Reply to comment by freetheroux in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
>I’m done, can’t debate someone who doesn’t follow basic definitions of words. A part of someone’s face is not someone’s whole face. The skin is not able to rip off the face by being pulled in one specific spot, it’s literally not possible. Another breed of dog can rip a face off because of the way they bite. But pits bite and then stay biting, to rip a face off would require multiple bites. Omg and now you believe a dog can rip a head off a human, you are just straight up delusional
When ER doctors describe some of those attacked by pit bulls in official medical records as having their faces "ripped off," that's all the definition anyone with any common sense needs. Furthermore, no one said the skin of those who have their faces ripped off were being pulled in "one specific spot," and no, pit bulls do not always "bite and then stay biting." In April 2013, 2-year-old Beau Rutledge of Atlanta had his head ripped off by the family pit bull. The only ones posting here who are delusional are you and the other pit nutters, and I seriously doubt you'd recognize a pit bull if one bit you in the behind!
SarahDrish t1_j8syn3k wrote
Reply to comment by freetheroux in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
>Again no pitbull has ever ripped off a face. Those are very clearly exaggerations. A pitbull can disfigure a face and take skin off, but it can not “rip off a face”
These are not "exaggerations." The "skin" of the face is the face! There's something seriously wrong with you, but then if there wasn't, you wouldn't be bragging about taking your damned dog into stores where dogs do not belong!
Pit bulls have also ripped off people's heads.
SarahDrish t1_j8sjckx wrote
Reply to comment by freetheroux in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
I suggest you read the news occasionally: numerous people have had their faces ripped off by pit bulls.
They also rip off arms, legs, hands, scalps, etc., etc., etc.
SarahDrish t1_j8h86b0 wrote
Reply to comment by leseulloupgris88 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
>I doubt you've known many pit bulls if you classify them as aggressive. Every pit bull I've had or known has been super gentle.
I grew up in a rural area where people had watchdogs, and some of our watchdogs were pit bulls, so I've probably "known" more pit bulls than you have. Just because a dog is "super gentle" most of the time doesn't mean it isn't aggressive in a confrontational situation or when its instinctual prey drive kicks in. Most pit bulls used for fighting are gentle outside the fighting pit. The two pit bulls that killed the Bennard children were super gentle until the day they decided to kill the kids.
SarahDrish t1_j8g3pp0 wrote
Reply to comment by leseulloupgris88 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
>Pit bulls actually pass the temperament test with a score much higher than most dogs. But of course if you weren't so happy in your ignorance you'd know this fact. It's not a dogs fault if its owner is a piece of shit.
The test you're talking about, the ATTS, was created in 1977 by Alfons Ertel, a printer, not an animal behaviorist. He was into schutzhund and created the test to evaluate German shepherds for their suitability as guard dogs. The test favors bold, assertive dogs that aren’t easily intimidated: timid dogs, such as Collies, do not do well on the test, while aggressive dogs, such as pit bulls, do exceptionally well.
Most pit bulls that attack and kill family members -- usually children or the elderly -- were raised from puppies and treated well all their lives. A good example is the two pit bulls that killed the children of pit nutters Colby and Kirstie Bennard in Tennessee last October. The Bennards referred to the monsters as their "house lions" and in one of his Facebook comments, Colby Bennard wrote, “I can assure you, nobody will take Cheech and Mia from myself and Kirstie Jane Satterfield. Ignorance is no excuse to take so many 'best friends' out of this world.” (Bennard apparently had a change of heart because the day after his beloved “pitties” literally ripped his two children to shreds, both dogs were euthanized.)
SarahDrish t1_j8a001x wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
If you choose to live like a dog, that's your prerogative, but you shouldn't force your filthy beasts on others.
SarahDrish t1_j89zn1s wrote
Reply to comment by JimBones31 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
You're totally missing the point, probably because your brain is addled from all those gas fumes you breathe as a result of having your nose perpetually affixed in some dog's rear end!
SarahDrish t1_j89yha0 wrote
Reply to comment by TonyClifton86 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
>Again I stand by my opinion and assessment of your personality & dislike for dogs.
Liking dogs isn't a requirement for living, working and shopping in this country. People are free to like or dislike whatever they choose. How would you feel if people started walking around in stores with snakes hung around their necks or tarantulas on their shoulders?
SarahDrish t1_j89y410 wrote
Reply to comment by TonyClifton86 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
>Try having some empathy for people who need their dogs with them at that time . Grocery shopping is stressful for some. Or they don’t have a place to keep their dog or it is their choice not any other reason.
With the exception of the blind, people do not need their dogs with them all the time, and anyone who can't shop for groceries without their damned dog should be under the supervision of a mental health professional.
In addition to biting, dogs can transmit all sorts of bacteria to humans via their urine, crap, saliva, etc., particularly children, and such bacteria can result in blindness in children, the amputation of limbs and death. If you want to wallow around with dogs at home, that's your prerogative, but don't force your filthy beast on others!
SarahDrish t1_j89wu8d wrote
Reply to comment by JimBones31 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
>You should try reading the news occasionally. There are way more attacks by people in stores throughout the U.S.
Yours is one of the most asinine comments I've ever read -- even on Reddit -- and that's saying a LOT. Try to stay on topic: this discussion is about dogs in grocery stores. By your reasoning, we may as well allow horses, cows, pigs, roaches and everything else imaginable in grocery stores because "there are way more attacks by people."
SarahDrish t1_j89w4wi wrote
Reply to comment by DiamondD1997 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
> dogs were here before us anyway, show some respect
Huh? Dogs did not evolve naturally, they were created by humans from wolves.
SarahDrish t1_j89si0m wrote
Reply to comment by Lieutenant_Joe in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
First, people in grocery stores are customers, not "guests." Second, the owners of business establishments are obligated to ensure the safety of their customers, and it's apparent you don't give a damn about the individuals you're supposed to be serving.
SarahDrish t1_j89rcsj wrote
Reply to comment by JimBones31 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
You should try reading the news occasionally. There have been numerous attacks by dogs in stores throughout the U.S.
SarahDrish t1_j89r43f wrote
Reply to comment by Lieutenant_Joe in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
> The worst they do is sniff clothes that aren’t even being worn by people.
I'm sure a lot of Delta flight attendants said the same thing until an "emotional support" pit bull ripped another passenger's face off and the company got sued! There are reasons dogs do not belong in certain locations -- including grocery stores -- and if you are so cavalier about the health and safety of customers, you should find another job.
SarahDrish t1_j89qei2 wrote
Reply to comment by JimBones31 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
How many of those aggressive people attacked and tried to rip your face off?
SarahDrish t1_j89q5w2 wrote
Reply to comment by KezarLake in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
When people have nothing to support their position, they always resort to name-calling.
SarahDrish t1_j87vsve wrote
Reply to Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
When I see a dog in the store, I report it to the manager. An establishment can be fined for allowing non-service dogs in stores/restaurants where they aren't allowed because it's a health hazard. Also, people, including children, have been attacked by dogs in stores. You should post a negative review about the store in question and/or contact the business owner.
SarahDrish t1_j1bc8cs wrote
Reply to comment by EmeraldMoose12 in More happy snow dogs by mygraytaco
I agree, he's a miserable human being as well.
SarahDrish t1_j1aiuc1 wrote
Reply to comment by TheScandinavianFlick in Hoping that Meeko (snowball chaser extraordinaire) can make your spirits bright! Cheers to some winter fun - in whatever capacity you can find it:) by thestateisgreen
>i AcTuAlLy hAvE a LiFe
>Says the troll who has spent the day commenting on every dog photo in r/vermont, lmao
First, it appears the CAPS lock on your device isn't working properly. Second, the fact I've spent some time commenting on off-topic posts in no way indicates I do not have a life. Now please continue laughing your ass off because once that portion of your anatomy is gone, there won't be any you left and r/vermont and Reddit will both be better off.
SarahDrish t1_j1a4ngg wrote
Reply to comment by protein_factory in More happy snow dogs by mygraytaco
It probably just chased down and killed a small animal.
SarahDrish t1_j1a4i1t wrote
Reply to More happy snow dogs by mygraytaco
There's nothing "happy" about that dog. It's just performing for the people who feed it.
SarahDrish t1_j1a4aa6 wrote
Reply to A wild Corgi appears in the snow! by Jennyflur
Another sad-looking dog.
SarahDrish t1_jaje9b6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Does anyone know where this covered bridge is? by otakugrey
Keep setting fires and you'll eventually get caught, you POS pothead!