Sarcofaygo t1_j1wr49h wrote
Reply to comment by Bobisadrummer in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
I thought driving over protestors was frowned upon /s
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wlprq wrote
Reply to comment by jconti1233 in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
Wouldn't reducing accessibility by car/bus disproportionately impact disabled people who can't walk or bike? OP of this thread has implied they no longer want PVD to be a car city. I guess disabled people will have to shelter in place for the rest of their lives
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wla3s wrote
Reply to comment by Locksmith-Pitiful in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
Banning cars & buses isn't gonna happen, sorry
And doing so would probably disproportionately impact disabled people who can't ride a bike... Doesn't sound very "liberal" to me!
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wifmn wrote
Reply to comment by Locksmith-Pitiful in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
I'm using it as an example of how biking and cars do not coexist well in general. Both the bicyclist and the automobile driver are put into danger. Especially at night. Idc if it's legal, it's not safe
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wiad6 wrote
Reply to comment by jconti1233 in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
Genius take. How does that apply to today? Best of luck biking across the city with all the cars
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wgcn6 wrote
Reply to comment by Locksmith-Pitiful in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
It's actually very common for bikers to be extremely aloof. Like the ones who bike directly In traffic when a sidewalk is available. It's a hazard for both themselves and the people driving
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wfp7c wrote
Reply to comment by Locksmith-Pitiful in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
I'm talking about when a bike lane is available....
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wejep wrote
Reply to comment by Locksmith-Pitiful in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
Would you say that many bikers choosing to use the sidewalk instead of the bike lanes right next to them is helping increase or decrease support for more bike lanes?
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wd2mi wrote
Reply to comment by boop-snoot-boogie in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
I had hope for Biden until the 2021 Haitian refugee crisis. He basically got away with it because "at least he isn't Trump". The bar goes ever lower as we circle the drain.
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wbo0i wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
That's fair. I think what I'm trying to say is that there is areas where that is true, but they are little "zones". However to go a long distance from one zone to another is where difficulties are encountered
Sarcofaygo t1_j1w93fe wrote
Reply to comment by lestermagnum in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
Exactly. The notion of a walkable city is a great idea, but it has to be planned that way from the start. It's too late to retroactively change, in my opinion.
As-is, it's potentially fatal to travel by bike because there is many roads without adequate sidewalks.... Let alone bike lanes
Sarcofaygo t1_j1w5uyt wrote
Reply to comment by Locksmith-Pitiful in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
Do you actually think it's possible to make Providence suitable for traveling without cars? You need a car or a bus pass to get around. A bike isn't gonna get it done for long distances. Plus a lot of bikers use the sidewalk instead of the bike lane, even on roads WITH the bike lanes.
Sarcofaygo t1_j1w5heq wrote
Reply to comment by boop-snoot-boogie in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
> Brett Smiley is as progressive as the rock stuck in my shoe.
So he's a typical democrat politician?
Sarcofaygo t1_j1w5avi wrote
Reply to comment by Locksmith-Pitiful in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
Most democrats are moderate tbh
Joe Biden is a great example of this.
He literally voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade when Reagan was president.
He called for an invasion of Iraq as early as 1998.
He sided with Bush and voted to invade Afghanistan
He sided with Bush and voted to invade Iraq
In 2021, he rounded up thousands of black haitians refugees and violently deported him.
Yet in 2022, he called for 100,000 ukranian (white) refugees
That was where he lost me.
Sarcofaygo t1_j1ah9md wrote
Reply to comment by Clever_Word_Play in Saudi Arabia and Qatar urge Taliban to reverse girls’ education ban by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
Tfw you try to defeat Russia by teaming up with terrorists to ... ???? I don't think they thought that one all the way thru
Sarcofaygo t1_j1aghpr wrote
Reply to comment by Clever_Word_Play in Saudi Arabia and Qatar urge Taliban to reverse girls’ education ban by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
How it started
>Afghan mujahideen are not the Taliban.
How it's going
>A former Mujahideen did start the them
Sarcofaygo t1_j17s8xy wrote
Sarcofaygo t1_j17rvcq wrote
Reply to comment by PMmeserenity in Saudi Arabia and Qatar urge Taliban to reverse girls’ education ban by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
Operation Cyclone is the name of the program
Sarcofaygo t1_j10cu4j wrote
Reply to comment by squidking78 in Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by NippyAardvark
I find it very disgusting how you keep trying to imply that my pastor is doing nefarious things when he is so dedicated to morality that he refused to leave his wife when she had breast cancer. Yeah, you are a dickhead.
Analogy: Some teachers unfortunately abuse their students. Does that make every single teacher a statuarory rapist? In your big brain, apparently it does. Some men rape women. Does that make every single man a rapist? Including yourself? I'm sure you suddenly wouldn't want to paint with such a broad brush.
Sarcofaygo t1_j10a33h wrote
Reply to comment by squidking78 in Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by NippyAardvark
Holy shit dude
My pastor literally has an LGBT flag hanging from his churches welcome sign.
He literally testifies against Banning abortion
He's probably a better person than you honestly
He doesn't stereotype entire groups of people from worst case scenarios
You do, however.
Also, not every religious leader is catholic. My pastor is liberal methodist. You don't know what you are talking about
Sarcofaygo t1_j0zuc32 wrote
Reply to comment by squidking78 in Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by NippyAardvark
My paster literally has an LGBT pride flag hanging from his sign. He might be to the left of you honestly
He's stridentently opposed to rape and abuse. He testifies in court at the state house every year in favor of a woman's right to choose.
And he helps black Americans not lose their homes by doing mission work, rebuilding their homes free of charge before they are condemned.
What have you done to help the world lately? Probably a lot less than my pastor has done.
Sarcofaygo t1_j0zrxz2 wrote
Reply to comment by squidking78 in Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by NippyAardvark
I never said it refuted anything, you unhinged fucking moron. I just said you sound like an asshole
Sarcofaygo t1_j0y9yvj wrote
Reply to comment by squidking78 in Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by NippyAardvark
Pretty unhinged take. My pastor was a good man who never once grifted, stood by his wife when she had breast cancer, and supported LGBT rights + a woman's right to choose.
Sarcofaygo t1_j0x4bxt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TikTok bans hit more U.S. states; security firm says most access blocked globally by -Ima-Phat-Cookie-Ho-
What government agencies need TikTok to communicate?
Sarcofaygo t1_j1wr7y3 wrote
Reply to comment by listen_youse in Brett Smiley looks to change / eliminate bicycle lane on South Water Street by Locksmith-Pitiful
How do you connect the bike lanes without making certain lanes too narrow for larger vehicles?