
Sarcofaygo t1_j1w93fe wrote

Exactly. The notion of a walkable city is a great idea, but it has to be planned that way from the start. It's too late to retroactively change, in my opinion.

As-is, it's potentially fatal to travel by bike because there is many roads without adequate sidewalks.... Let alone bike lanes


Sarcofaygo t1_j1w5uyt wrote

Do you actually think it's possible to make Providence suitable for traveling without cars? You need a car or a bus pass to get around. A bike isn't gonna get it done for long distances. Plus a lot of bikers use the sidewalk instead of the bike lane, even on roads WITH the bike lanes.


Sarcofaygo t1_j1w5avi wrote

Most democrats are moderate tbh

Joe Biden is a great example of this.

He literally voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade when Reagan was president.

He called for an invasion of Iraq as early as 1998.

He sided with Bush and voted to invade Afghanistan

He sided with Bush and voted to invade Iraq

In 2021, he rounded up thousands of black haitians refugees and violently deported him.

Yet in 2022, he called for 100,000 ukranian (white) refugees

That was where he lost me.


Sarcofaygo t1_j10cu4j wrote

I find it very disgusting how you keep trying to imply that my pastor is doing nefarious things when he is so dedicated to morality that he refused to leave his wife when she had breast cancer. Yeah, you are a dickhead.

Analogy: Some teachers unfortunately abuse their students. Does that make every single teacher a statuarory rapist? In your big brain, apparently it does. Some men rape women. Does that make every single man a rapist? Including yourself? I'm sure you suddenly wouldn't want to paint with such a broad brush.


Sarcofaygo t1_j10a33h wrote

Holy shit dude

My pastor literally has an LGBT flag hanging from his churches welcome sign.

He literally testifies against Banning abortion

He's probably a better person than you honestly

He doesn't stereotype entire groups of people from worst case scenarios

You do, however.

Also, not every religious leader is catholic. My pastor is liberal methodist. You don't know what you are talking about


Sarcofaygo t1_j0zuc32 wrote

My paster literally has an LGBT pride flag hanging from his sign. He might be to the left of you honestly

He's stridentently opposed to rape and abuse. He testifies in court at the state house every year in favor of a woman's right to choose.

And he helps black Americans not lose their homes by doing mission work, rebuilding their homes free of charge before they are condemned.

What have you done to help the world lately? Probably a lot less than my pastor has done.