Sarcofaygo t1_j50yly8 wrote
Reply to comment by leavingthecold in Violence in Providence results in 2 shootings, 2 stabbings by Previous_Floor
I used that as an example of crime which often goes unreported and is thus underreported + requires estimates to fill in the gap
All I'm saying is that there's been a shooting every weekend in 2023 and that's not great news, I hope that trend doesn't continue. Crime is clearly on the rise in PVD right now
Sarcofaygo t1_j50tfyi wrote
Reply to comment by leavingthecold in Violence in Providence results in 2 shootings, 2 stabbings by Previous_Floor
I'm not an expert on sexual assault, and you aren't an expert on violent crime. In both cases, you would consult an expert for these topics and not just make sarcastic quips
Sarcofaygo t1_j50qxsr wrote
Reply to comment by leavingthecold in Violence in Providence results in 2 shootings, 2 stabbings by Previous_Floor
You can estimate for them
See: estimates of unreported sexual assault claims
Sarcofaygo t1_j4z519m wrote
Reply to comment by leavingthecold in Violence in Providence results in 2 shootings, 2 stabbings by Previous_Floor
Yet by your own admission a lot of crime gets unreported so the crime rate as published is artificially low
Sarcofaygo t1_j4p3biv wrote
Reply to comment by Catswagger11 in Single file line for a drink at AS220 by AgedParmy
Take me back 😢
Sarcofaygo t1_j2o6mnf wrote
Reply to comment by tryhardwhore in What is a parking spot really worth? by listen_youse
Sarcofaygo t1_j2dzeaz wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
I think you are delusional to think that mandating health care workers gets vaccinated would change anything when fully vaccinated health care workers can still catch and spread the disease
#COVID-positive employees can work after Eleanor Slater Hospital declares staffing 'crisis'
4 days later....
#Outbreak reported at Rhode Island hospital after Covid-positive, asymptomatic staff asked to work
Sarcofaygo t1_j2droyp wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
Nope nope nope 🙅♂️
You said either/or. Either you get covid, OR you get vaccinated.
That falsely implies getting the vaccine means you won't get covid
Yet health care workers who were fully vaccinated still got covid
And were then told by the CDC they could go back to work while "asymptomatic" lmao
Where they of course... spread covid while vaccinated.
Sarcofaygo t1_j2dprps wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
That's not what you initially said. You initially gave me the Joe Biden style misinformation that vaccines prevent covid full stop
>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.
#President Biden tests positive for COVID, a year after he said vaccines prevent infections
Biden had the compilications of the vaccine AND the complications of COVID. A 2 for 1 special!
Sarcofaygo t1_j2dooum wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.
The bolded is a false binary dichotomy because someone with the vaccine can still get covid.
Saying that someone with a heart condition that gets the vaccine won't suffer the complications from getting covid is not true. They can still suffer them because the vaccine doesn't prevent them from getting covid.
Anthony Fauci got covid while fully vaccinated and boosted. So he got the potential side effects of the vaccine and booster AND the potential side effects of covid. Get it?
Sarcofaygo t1_j2do6pe wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
You just said that getting a vaccine prevents covid entirely
>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.
The same false thing that Biden said.
#President Biden tests positive for COVID, a year after he said vaccines prevent infections
Which you previously admitted was false.
Vaccines do not prevent infections yet you falsely imply that they do for patients with heart conditions. Not true. 👏
Sarcofaygo t1_j2dnkq0 wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
>No one claimed it was going to save 100% of those vaccinated either!
Is this you?
>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.
Falsely implying that taking the vaccine means people won't get covid, and thus won't die of covid. You made that claim
Sarcofaygo t1_j2dl33z wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
Did they save the lived of the "fully" vaccinated people who died of covid?
Or is it one of those "death with dignity" things where they might be dead but at least big pharma got paid from them taking the vaccine so it's totally cool 😎
Sarcofaygo t1_j2dkohp wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
>Well, considering zero people have been strapped down and given a COVID shot, your point is moot.
Thats your point. You said that people should be made to get the covid vaccine
>But do I think people in healthcare should be required to get a vaccine to continue their employment? Yes, duh.
What's the point of that when the CDC said that covid positive employees can return to work before fully recovering? I recall there was an outbreak at Slater Memorial hospital due to that policy.
>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.
Doesn't this falsely assume that getting the vaccine prevents someone from getting covid? 🤔
You already previously admitted that Joe Biden was misinformed when he said taking the vaccine means you won't get covid. Now you are saying the same false) thing. Woof.
> But you know, science.
You just misinterpreted the science and falsely implied that someone with a heart condition who gets the vaccine will not get covid.
This was a talking point from a while ago which falsely implies that taking the vaccine or getting covid is a binary either/or. It's clearly not.
- Joe Biden
- Jill Biden
- Kamala Harris
- Bill Clinton
- Hillary Clinton
- Bill Gates
- Anthony Fauci
All of the above got covid while fully vaccinated and boosted.
So much for....
>Oh hey, guess what, if you have a preexisting heart condition, you're better off getting a vaccine because the complications from getting COVID are likely to be worse than that of the vaccine.
Getting the vaccine does not prevent someone with or without a heart condition from getting covid. It's not an either/or.
But you don't know science.
Sarcofaygo t1_j2c4mov wrote
Reply to comment by Kelruss in Smiley taps former DOC director to lead DPW and announces other new hires by therealDrA
Definitely valid. I'm hoping for the best, but yeah seems curious.
I think providence is deceptively simple to outsiders, but thats just the tip of an iceberg where there is a lot of intricate moving parts behind the scenes.
A rube goldberg machine that resembles it's convoluted road system, lmao
Sarcofaygo t1_j2bxgar wrote
Reply to comment by Kelruss in Smiley taps former DOC director to lead DPW and announces other new hires by therealDrA
Catch 22 of sorts — if you hire people without experience running providence, smiley would be criticized for hiring people that don't understand the city
Sarcofaygo t1_j2bi5ya wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
Does that justify people being strapped down a table and forcibly injected? What if they are immunocomprimised and can't safely take the vaccine? What if they have pre existing heart conditions?
Im guessing you didn't think that far into it
Sarcofaygo t1_j2bhqi0 wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
The thing Biden said was a pro-vax talking point. It just so happened to be a lie. Not sure how you can't grasp that.
Idk why you are so passionate about big pharma. Do you own stock in them or something? Its not against the law to not trust big pharma...yet.
you ever hear of the prescription opioid crisis? Where big pharma encouraged overprescription of dangerous medicine 💊 knowing it could harm people and decided to just say fuck it, the fines will just be a cost of doing business? 🤔
Sarcofaygo t1_j2bbvg4 wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
You don't get basic human rights if you think people should be forced to take a vaccine that doesn't stop the spread (supposedly lockdowns were until we all got vaccinated to "stop the spread") and even more embarrassingly, doesn't even stop death.
Im glad that your dream of people being forcibly injected didn't come true. Better luck next pandemic.
Even if everyone got forcibly injected by unspecified government officials, it wouldn't stop the spread. Because the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission. It wouldn't even stop deaths from covid. Vaccinated people still drop dead from the disease.
Sarcofaygo t1_j2bbqjt wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
The covid vaccine was promoted by Joe Biden as 100% stopping the spread. Yet he caught covid 19 while fully vaccinated. It's almost like politicians shouldn't be mandating the vaccine.
Also, China tried your preferred method of stripping peoples human rights to fight covid, and it didn't work. Just open a newspaper.
Sarcofaygo t1_j2bbd9i wrote
Reply to comment by Proof-Variation7005 in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
>Again, your family doesn't matter. Jesus titty fucking christ. Get it through your head that your extremely fucking limited experience is irrelevant in contradiction of broader statisticcs.
Why are you so angry?
>That's the goal. If we'd been able to deliver vaccines globally with as close to universal adoption rate, we would have maybe had a chance to do that before new mutations took hold.
"Would have maybe" There's a lot of qualifiers there. No guarantee it'd actually work.
>Part of that was unavoidable because of production and distribution limits and 3rd world nations with limited resources. Other parts were hurt because other countries settled on a less effective version of the vaccine.
Our "more effective" vaccine still didn't stop the spread.
>And it was all doomed because enough people held out long enough and now we've got a situation where a booster specifically designed for Omicron variants has been ignored by like 80% of the population.
People lost faith in the vaccines after the caught covid-19 while "fully vaccinated".
>I'm willing to compromise and just limit the ability to interact with those who refuse. In schools, treat it like the dozen other vaccines that are required to attend. And maybe we can have a "fuck around and find out" thing where instead of a hospital bed or known effective therapies, the unvaccinated can trust their immune system to the grave.
Isn't that basically what China tried? They don't have human rights there. It didn't work.
>I see you're as good at math as you are at science. Something like 80% of the US population has received 1 dose, with fully vaccinated being like 65% or so. Among higher risk groups like the elderly, those numbers are even higher.
And yet, they ate still dying of covid. Damn.
>This is like pointing out that most people who died of COVID are right-handed and pretending a link must exist instead of just realizing that THERE ARE A FUCKTON MORE PEOPLE WHO ARE RIGHT-HANDED IN THE WORLD.
Okay? Its still no longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
>This is classic base-rate fallacy bullshit.
I guess? Take it up with the Washington post and Kaiser Family Foundation, I'm just reporting the news.
Sarcofaygo t1_j2bakqh wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
Shouldn't the majority of covid deaths be unvaccinated if vaccine prevents death? 🥲🥲
It's almost like people shouldn't be forcibly pinned down and forced to take the injection!
I'm so happy that isn't the case, despite your wishes. Not even China does that and they are a dictatorship.
Sarcofaygo t1_j2b4re5 wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
You are bad at medicine if you think that the majority of covid deaths being vaccinated is a positive development. The vaccines have failed. And you are clearly frustrated about it which is why you want people to be forced injected like some sort of horror movie. It won't work, but it will make you feel better, I guess.
Sarcofaygo t1_j2b4frf wrote
Reply to comment by DrMonkeyLove in Population dips in Mass. and Rhode Island, Census figures say by bostonglobe
Even if you actually believe that, vaccination is a choice people should be allowed to make themselves.
Biden and Kamala had it right before the election when they ran on no covid vaccine mandate.
If the vaccination actually works, then you should be protected regardless, and thus anyone skeptical of the vaccine doesn't need to be strapped down and forcibly injected like some sort of Stephen King horror movie. As you apparently advocate.
But as it currently stands, most covid deaths are vaccinated, statistically. Woof.
Sarcofaygo t1_j61mlbt wrote
Reply to comment by _CaesarAugustus_ in A request for all those posting about the high cost of their energy bills... by NET42
Ding Ding Ding