
Sarcofaygo t1_iy79sub wrote

Thanks for the answer. OP eventually gave me an answer that was similar

I will say though, there is definitely an ethical conundrum of what the line is between reporting the news and "stoking fear". On the other end of that spectrum is pretending that everything is all good when there is rising crime. I'd like to think there is a middle ground between fear mongering and white washing


Sarcofaygo t1_iy6o2bw wrote

Clickbait about what? I read their stories sometimes, just want to know what they are clickbaiting and why as a Rhode islander I should be wary of reading them. What topic(s) are they clickbaiting?

I keep trying to get answers on this and for some reason a specific answer is hard to come by in this thread


Sarcofaygo t1_iy6nibq wrote

Every single news website needs clicks and ad revenue to survive. Unless they are being bankrolled by someone, It's a for-profit venture.

What specifically are they doing solely "to get clicks"?

What type of stories do you believe they twist and focus on to get clicks? Is it crime?

I keep asking and for some reason you don't want to tell me... I don't really understand why you are being so enigmatic.

You posted the thread, I'm a fellow Rhode islander, and I wanted to know why you dislike this source so much. If it's so obvious, surely you can tell me a specific reason why.... Right? I sometimes read their articles. Tell me why I should be wary of them. Give me a real example why.


Sarcofaygo t1_iy6me3g wrote

> they aren't looking to enlighten readers, but to get clicks and that sweet ad revenue.

This is extremely vague. Every news website wants clicks and ad revenue. They go out of business without them.

You really haven't stated your position at all. I still don't know exactly why you dislike them. I only know that you don't like golocalprov. And that you think they make the city look bad. But again, without saying why.

What content specifically do you view as dishonest/grifting?

There has to be specific examples, right? Can you at least give me a hint? Is it their coverage about crime? Meet me halfway my guy. No judgement. I just genuinely don't know your exact point of contention beyond vague statements of disapproval. Let's talk about it


Sarcofaygo t1_iy6ktha wrote

Hey, since OP refuses to engage with me, could you help me understand what OP is talking about? They haven't offered any specifics and they told me that they won't elaborate. Is there a specific subset of their coverage that slanted? My best guess is crime, but OP wouldn't confirm.


Sarcofaygo t1_iy6k1lb wrote

What discussion are we having? You still haven't told me.

How can I be engaging in bad faith if I don't know what I'm even engaging on?

You made the thread so clearly you have something to say.... Im just not sure exactly what it is beyond "GoLocalProv Bad".

Why do you feel that way?

What type of articles do you dislike? That's all I'm asking. Is that really too much to ask?