Sariel007 t1_izbvfbj wrote
Reply to Meet the 18-year-old who just became the youngest Black mayor in the country | Jaylen Smith, of Earle, Arkansas, said it “feels awesome” to have a place in the history books. by AsslessBaboon
Why Representation Matters and Why It’s Still Not Enough for the incoming flood of "WHy DOeS cOLOr maTTeR? JuST eleCT tHe beST PeRsON!" Crowd. Also unless you individually researched each candidate in that race then for all you know they did.
Sariel007 t1_izbjjvv wrote
Reply to comment by rukioish in Nearly 1 million immigrants became U.S. citizens in past year, the 3rd highest tally on record by CobaltEmu
No no. Acording to Faux^^^^^entertainment Newz* the U.S.A. has open borders when the Dems are in office. Strangely not a word about open borders when Republicans are in office. Must be some kind of switch they flip in the Oval office. Also anytime an election is coming up there are migrant caravans lined up at the border that only Republcans can stop. Not sure why they are lined up at the border trying to get in... they said the borders are open!
Sariel007 OP t1_iz72fhm wrote
Reply to comment by cote112 in New Washington state law will require employers to post job salary ranges by Sariel007
If only there was some way of knowing... like clicking the link and reading the article where it clearly spells this out.
Sariel007 OP t1_iz727gz wrote
Reply to comment by gerd50501 in New Washington state law will require employers to post job salary ranges by Sariel007
If only there was some way of knowing... like clicking the link and reading the article where it clearly spells this out.
Sariel007 OP t1_iz71x7e wrote
Reply to comment by skylercollins in New Washington state law will require employers to post job salary ranges by Sariel007
Lol, if you have to straight up lie to trick people into applying for your company or to vote for you then you really need to re-evaluate your life choices.
Sariel007 OP t1_iz71ac1 wrote
Reply to comment by Gremlin-Overlord in New Washington state law will require employers to post job salary ranges by Sariel007
CO already has it too. I think CA might. Progress one state at a time.
Sariel007 t1_iz5hmgt wrote
Reply to comment by HoaryPuffleg in Dog reunited with family 7 days after falling from cliff on Vancouver Island by Born2bBread
r/upliftingmews too!
Sariel007 t1_iz5c2bq wrote
Reply to Dog reunited with family 7 days after falling from cliff on Vancouver Island by Born2bBread
Sariel007 OP t1_iyd1jeu wrote
Reply to A man in Kansas is crediting his dog with saving his life by waking him up after a fire broke out in his home. by Sariel007
Sariel007 OP t1_ixzq64o wrote
Reply to comment by DominateDave in Cal Poly's Cat Program gives feral, disabled, and abandoned cats a safe haven by Sariel007
These types of comments are what happens whens Republicans are allowed to defund public education.
Sariel007 OP t1_ixzq37k wrote
Reply to comment by KermitTheGrenouille in Cal Poly's Cat Program gives feral, disabled, and abandoned cats a safe haven by Sariel007
Hey now, don't just go spewing facts and logic to try and disprove this sad troll!
Sariel007 OP t1_ixzdlt4 wrote
Sariel007 OP t1_ixv5kr0 wrote
Reply to comment by demonmariner in A novel medication for hemophilia B has just been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The treatment is a form of gene therapy, intended to replace a dysfunctional gene that leaves people unable to control their bleeding. by Sariel007
One dose cure instead of "...patients will undergo regular infusions of their missing clotting factor. Though effective at stopping spontaneous bleeding, these infusions are not a cure and in the most severe cases, people may need to get them every two to three days—a costly and time-consuming measure. "
Sariel007 OP t1_ixuzrk7 wrote
Reply to comment by GratefulOctopus in A novel medication for hemophilia B has just been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The treatment is a form of gene therapy, intended to replace a dysfunctional gene that leaves people unable to control their bleeding. by Sariel007
In an analysis of the drug development costs for 98 companies over a decade, the average cost per drug developed and approved by a single-drug company was $350 million.[3] But for companies that approved between eight and 13 drugs over 10 years, the cost per drug went as high as $5.5 billion.
Sariel007 OP t1_ix3sgmc wrote
Sariel007 OP t1_iwz70uu wrote
>A new prototype “quantum microscope” may one day analyze matter with unprecedented detail, researchers say. The novel device may one day probe the performance of next-generation atomically thin 2D electronics, and run MRI scans on molecules to help gain key insights for medical breakthroughs, a new study finds.
>Quantum microscopy uses quantum sensors to map the magnetic, electrical, thermal, and other features of samples at microscopic scales. In the new study, researchers developed a prototype quantum microscope based on flakes of hexagonal boron nitride. This ceramic often finds use as an insulating material in atomically thin 2D electronics.
>The prototype microscopy system places hexagonal boron nitride flakes 10 to 100 nanometers thick on top of samples. These samples possess defects wherein boron atoms are missing. When these negatively charged vacancies are illuminated with a green laser beam, they fluoresce with near-infrared light. Magnetic, electrical, thermal, and other disturbances can alter this response, allowing these defects to help serve as sensors. Each hexagonal boron nitride flake is essentially an array of sensors.
Sariel007 t1_iws4pcb wrote
Sariel007 OP t1_iwgvn92 wrote
Sariel007 OP t1_iw7jngc wrote
>Scientists in Israel are creating a gene bank from the seeds of local wild crops, some that have survived for thousands of years since the birth of agriculture and that may help farmers deal with a harsher climate in the coming decades.
>In a eucalyptus grove nestled between an industrial zone and a new railroad under construction, botanist Alon Singer collected seeds from a number of plants recently spotted, including a variety of water mint, that will be frozen and stored at the Israel Plant Gene Bank at the Volcani Institute, the national agricultural R&D center.
>Singer is combing the country along with other scouts and foragers in search of varieties of wheat, barley and countless other wild crops so their genetic makeup can be saved and studied before they are lost to expanding deserts and urbanization as the climate warms.
>"The plants here are very unique. They are the ancestors of many of the cultivated plants used today," he said.
>Resilient characteristics can be harnessed to genetically modify farmed crops so they better withstand drought or disease.
>Tens of thousands of types of seeds are stored in the gene bank. It may be smaller than some collections elsewhere in the world but the gene pool here is unique, coming from an area that was part of the Fertile Crescent region known as the birthplace of crop cultivation.
>"This is where agriculture started about 10,000 years ago," said Einav Mayzlish-Gati, director of the gene bank. "Species that were domesticated here are still in the wild adapting along the years to the changes in the environment."
>The research has already been paying off. For example, the institute has engineered a variety of wheat with an ultra-short lifecycle. It may not be able to compete today, but it could be a saving grace in a hotter climate with reduced growing seasons.
Sariel007 OP t1_ivti616 wrote
Reply to LG's latest display can be stretched by 20 percent. The 12-inch full-color display can be stretched to 14 inches. by Sariel007
>LG Disply has developed a 12-inch stretchable display that can be extended in size to 14 inches, the company announced. The displays could one day be used in materials with irregular surfaces like clothes and wearables to display messages on the uniforms of first responders, for example.
>Stretchable displays, or free-form displays as LG Display calls them, can be pulled, bent and twisted. They go a step farther than the flexible displays used in Samsung's Galaxy Fold and other smartphones, which can be folded and bent but not stretched.
>To make the display so stretchy, LG Display built the base substrate material from a silicon similar to that used in contact lenses. It also micro-LEDs smaller than 40-micrometers for the light source, allowing for high resolution and durability. And finally, the company used circuits shaped like springs to accommodate bending and folding.
Sariel007 OP t1_iva82f9 wrote
Reply to This Low-Cost Device Could Make the Deep Sea Accessible to Everyone. The inexpensive Maka Niu collects video and data at depths more than five times greater than trained scuba divers can go by Sariel007
>Deep-sea exploration has long been largely a privilege of billionaires, fossil fuel companies, and a select few scientists from wealthy nations. This exclusivity has left the vast majority of the deep sea unexplored, its natural wonders understudied and vulnerable to exploitation. In recent years, scientists and conservationists have called for the democratization of the deep sea. They say this extreme region of the planet needs to be accessible to everyone. Now, a group of scientists, conservationists, and explorers has devised a low-cost device that is helping bring that goal closer to reality.
>Called the Maka Niu, which means “coconut eye” in Hawaiian, the device was initially created by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is now being developed by the nonprofit Ocean Discovery League. Looking like little more than a piece of PVC pipe stuffed with gadgets, the compact, customizable, and relatively inexpensive battery-powered data collector can capture video and measure depth, temperature, and salinity at depths as great as 1,500 meters. That’s about five times deeper than even the most specially trained scuba diver can go and deep enough to reach the ocean’s midnight zone, home to deep-sea animals like the vampire squid and chambered nautilus.
>A newer version of the Maka Niu can go even deeper says Katy Croff Bell, the deep-sea explorer, scientist, founder of the Ocean Discovery League, and leader of the MIT team. “We have designs that can go to 6,000 meters, which would enable it to reach 99 percent of the seafloor,” she says.
Sariel007 OP t1_iutu4b5 wrote
Reply to comment by Candeler0 in World’s tallest living cat supports animal shelters and HIV patients by Sariel007
This guy gets it.
Also checkout /r/PupliftingNews
Sariel007 OP t1_itleajh wrote
Reply to comment by ABinturong in The feline fathers of ‘Cat Daddies’ are the purr-fect parents. “There are a lot of men out there who are caring, compassionate,” Hoang says. “Authentic men who don’t feel like they have to wear the mask of what everyone thinks what ‘manly and tough and strong’ is.” by Sariel007
All hail abingturong, King of Cats, first of his name!
Sariel007 OP t1_itlc7ut wrote
Reply to The feline fathers of ‘Cat Daddies’ are the purr-fect parents. “There are a lot of men out there who are caring, compassionate,” Hoang says. “Authentic men who don’t feel like they have to wear the mask of what everyone thinks what ‘manly and tough and strong’ is.” by Sariel007
Sariel007 OP t1_izoowh1 wrote
Reply to An experimental cancer drug extends median survial time in dogs with cancer and may provide additional info/options for human cancer treatment. by Sariel007