
Sariel007 t1_izbvfbj wrote

Why Representation Matters and Why It’s Still Not Enough for the incoming flood of "WHy DOeS cOLOr maTTeR? JuST eleCT tHe beST PeRsON!" Crowd. Also unless you individually researched each candidate in that race then for all you know they did.


Sariel007 t1_izbjjvv wrote

No no. Acording to Faux^^^^^entertainment Newz* the U.S.A. has open borders when the Dems are in office. Strangely not a word about open borders when Republicans are in office. Must be some kind of switch they flip in the Oval office. Also anytime an election is coming up there are migrant caravans lined up at the border that only Republcans can stop. Not sure why they are lined up at the border trying to get in... they said the borders are open!