SatanLifeProTips t1_it5lx02 wrote
Reply to comment by Xist3nce in The End of Moore’s Law: Silicon computer chips are nearing the limit of their processing capacity. But is this necessarily an issue? Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies by CPHfuturesstudies
A microwave oven was $1700 in 1970’s money. Now it’s $39.97 at walmart. Cars and houses got expensive. Everything else got insanely cheap. A new T-shirt is five bucks!
And you can furnish a home for $0 on craigslist free. If you are handy with a paintbrush you can actually furnish a home quite nicely. Moving out in the 80’s had you living with cinder block furniture (stolen from a local construction site). Now some students can equip a suite and live large.
Once your rent is covered everything else is easy. Live by a place with good mass transit and you don’t need a car. I live in a dense city with light rail. Modern E-scooters have 16km of range, can cook along at 50kph or faster (illegally but no one cares) and you can take them on the train. It’s brilliant. Wear good rain gear and you can commute faster than your car.
SatanLifeProTips t1_iskhsv5 wrote
Reply to comment by Hawk---- in Australian research finds cost-effective way to recycle solar panels | Recycling by DrDaleks
They complained about lithium ion batteries not being recyclable. Well there is a revolution going on right now as everyone realized that it’s cheaper to recycle batteries than mine new materials. Once someone figured out that you could freeze the batteries with liquid nitrogen and pulverize them into powder the rest was easy.
The same thing happened with PV panels. All of a sudden it is cost effective to shred, pulverize them and separate the powders with electrostatic equipment.
Many first world nations are now building the recycling and disposal costs into the purchase price of electronics so the recyclers have government funding and a valuable waste stream.
SatanLifeProTips t1_is8e9fb wrote
Reply to comment by Ineedavodka2019 in Scientists have proved goldfish do have good memories and are able to navigate their surroundings. A team from Oxford University trained nine fish to travel 70cm (2.3ft) and back, receiving a food reward at the end. The study disproves the long-held belief goldfish have little or no memory. by Tardigradelegs
Fish quickly recognize any lure sold at Canadian Tire. Sometimes you need to make something custom to really get reliable strikes.
I’d call goldfish highly variable. Some friends had had pet goldfish that were absolutely ‘the lights are on but nobody is home’. Not a single thought going on in there.
Yet one friend had a big goldfish that was super smart, recognized his owner and got super excited when he was around. It was a dog trapped in a fish body.
SatanLifeProTips t1_is5kwqx wrote
Reply to comment by moosemasher in NASA has invented a new type of high-performance battery that researchers claim could be used to power fully electric airplanes. by phife_is_a_dawg
Yes it will.
A buddy is a Helicopter pilot and told me they replaced his twin batteries with a single battery from Tesla funny enough. The tech transfer is finally happening.
SatanLifeProTips t1_is3u6gf wrote
Reply to comment by boonepii in NASA has invented a new type of high-performance battery that researchers claim could be used to power fully electric airplanes. by phife_is_a_dawg
Validation for an automotive cell also takes about 5 years unless it is a mild chemistry tweak of a known good design.
SatanLifeProTips t1_is1bxs2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in South Korean researchers say they have developed an anode-free lithium-ion battery that is 40% more energy dense than existing batteries and will enable EVs to travel 630km (390 miles) on a single charge. by lughnasadh
Ignore idiot reporters inventing mileage claims. There is NOTHING that the battery guys claimed beyond x percentage of capacity increase. Then just assume that percentage applied to whatever car.
SatanLifeProTips t1_is1bqos wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in South Korean researchers say they have developed an anode-free lithium-ion battery that is 40% more energy dense than existing batteries and will enable EVs to travel 630km (390 miles) on a single charge. by lughnasadh
Specifically, LFP lithium doesn’t use any. It’s becoming common in standard range cars at 80% of the energy storage of NMC lithium. It also has a longer lifespan (cycle rating).
SatanLifeProTips t1_irwl5k5 wrote
Reply to comment by professorjaytee in Quantum windows mean machines can see millions of colours by Apart_Shock
My cell phone camera can see millions of colours too. I’m not sure what is different about what these guys are doing.
If it’s legit, a different method of capturing light may have applications in self driving as the current crop of vision systems is easily fooled.
SatanLifeProTips t1_irpjcrb wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-disaster2022 in TIL that passenger jet engines produce most of their thrust from fan at the front, not from the jet exhaust, and that this is called a high-bypass engine. by Rilot
Turboprops work the same way. It is more efficient to take a shaft drive output out a jet engine than it is to shoot all the air through the jet engine. Running a prop or a ducted fan is the most efficient way to do it
The prop IS slightly more efficient than the ducted fan at lower speeds/altitude, that’s why you see them on lower speed aircraft that do regional flights like the (miserable to be inside) Dash 8.
But get up to cruising altitude and the ducted fan is king.
SatanLifeProTips t1_irloeo5 wrote
Reply to comment by Knut79 in Germans ZEDU Car Is Most Environmentally Friendly Vehicle In The World by Educational_Sector98
Yes. I also use synthetic oils so that is a non issue. Read the cold weight if your oil. A 15w40is going to be thick. But then you get into a modern 0w40 and it’s super thin when cold. It’s not like gear oil with it’s ‘channel temperature’. And anyone out in the frozen nothing is buying the right oil.
A wet braking system would be using a super thin oil. Like ATF. You don’t want a film like engine oil. That’s what crank bearings use to not contact the metal underneath.
SatanLifeProTips t1_irjm1b4 wrote
Reply to comment by Knut79 in Germans ZEDU Car Is Most Environmentally Friendly Vehicle In The World by Educational_Sector98
Or just read the bottle or better yet the SAE engineering data? These are published numbers.
SatanLifeProTips t1_irjl2qf wrote
Reply to comment by Knut79 in Germans ZEDU Car Is Most Environmentally Friendly Vehicle In The World by Educational_Sector98
‘Engines running poorly’ when cold is due to condensation of fuel on the cold cylinder walls. Vapour fuel burns, liquid fuel does not burn. That’s why the choke plate added extra fuel on a carb and why your fuel injection needs a coolant temperature sensor to do the same. Nothing to do with cold oil.
The oil flows just fine now. Modern oils have solved those flow problems. Especially synthetics.
SatanLifeProTips t1_irjhn0m wrote
Reply to comment by Zebritz92 in Germans ZEDU Car Is Most Environmentally Friendly Vehicle In The World by Educational_Sector98
The Germans were just excited to over engineer an entirely new system.
SatanLifeProTips t1_irjhk0h wrote
Reply to comment by Knut79 in Germans ZEDU Car Is Most Environmentally Friendly Vehicle In The World by Educational_Sector98
Same way your engine starts at -45. Pick the right oil.
Modern synthetic oils flow at extremely low temperatures just fine.
SatanLifeProTips t1_irjfaa1 wrote
Reply to comment by Zebritz92 in Germans ZEDU Car Is Most Environmentally Friendly Vehicle In The World by Educational_Sector98
Why bother with an extra induction braking system when you can build an electric car with 500hp? That gives you 500hp of braking as well as acceleration. A lot of people don’t realize that is a 2 way street on EV’s. The friction brakes are just a backup. And yes those can be enclosed oil bath type since they are used so infrequently.
SatanLifeProTips t1_it5omb6 wrote
Reply to comment by Xist3nce in The End of Moore’s Law: Silicon computer chips are nearing the limit of their processing capacity. But is this necessarily an issue? Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies by CPHfuturesstudies
Here a basement suite or a one bedroom apartment will set you back $1200-$1700/mo but min wage is $15.65/hr CAD. That’s just minimum wage however and few work for that. Even mcdicks is paying 20+ or you can’t get anyone. And medical is free.
Buying a place is going to need a decent career. Housing is super expensive to buy in the cities and places with great transit.
America’s $7.50 min wage is basically 3rd world poverty. But that is a system designed to trap people in poverty.