SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94awjq wrote
Reply to comment by SaucyNaughtyBoy in [i ate] Black Cod with carrot, kish mush, and blossoms by troubleseemstofollow
Haddock is the best for fish and chips though.
SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94aswe wrote
Reply to comment by MutedHornet87 in [i ate] Black Cod with carrot, kish mush, and blossoms by troubleseemstofollow
Regular cod can be very good, especially if fried with "chips" as the brits would say. Also can make for a good fish chowder imo.
SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94al24 wrote
Reply to comment by doesntmatterhadtacos in [i ate] Black Cod with carrot, kish mush, and blossoms by troubleseemstofollow
Maybe. They seem to hate it when there's an amount of food worth eating on a plate.
SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94a95q wrote
Where is the rest of the cod? Those fish are never that small... that's a bite, not a filet or course.
SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_iuk7yum wrote
Reply to comment by wakinupdrunk in And What is the Deal with CT Drivers SPEEDING UP as you go around them...? by SnooPeripherals5518
Why do you need to pass them so badly? I like to do the same, but really the 5mph on a typical commute doesn't make a huge difference. It's like 1 minute. Lol
SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94gogw wrote
Reply to comment by Thechampy1 in [i ate] Black Cod with carrot, kish mush, and blossoms by troubleseemstofollow
I did something like that on a cruise, but all of that food was prepared to look really cool and almost not food looking. Like these gumball sized and shaped poppable balls filled with pretty much mango juice. Unless this is supposed to be one of those appetizer parts, this is still a bit small for what we had for the "main" course series. I know it's the experience, but this should at least be condensed down to a smaller plate to make it look more the part. IMO of course. I'm no master chef. Just a guy that loves food. ❤️