SaveFailsafe t1_je38mjp wrote
Reply to comment by umbligado in Demolition proposal sparks debate in Hampden by locker1313
The Wine Source should move somewhere with more parking (Rotunda?) if they want more parking, not subject one of the most walkable neighborhoods in the city to the hellish externalities of surface parking lots.
Are they really losing the RoFo parking or are they just not paying what RoFo wants to lease it?
SaveFailsafe t1_je1bowy wrote
Building a parking lot next to a parking lot, across the street from a parking lot, behind a parking lot.
Just lovely. Cars ruin everything. Would it kill people to park around the corner and walk a block?
SaveFailsafe t1_jdtg3el wrote
I'm sorry that happened to you. For future reference, Dodge Chargers are piloted by psycopaths. Every single one them.
Other cars to steer clear from are Nissan Altimas (they will merge into you), literally any BMW (they will tailgate you), any minivan riding especially low, and of course any car that's lifted or has modified lighting.
Actually, it's best to assume that every single driver out there is a stone cold killer. Just don't engage. Sorry this happened to you, again.
SaveFailsafe t1_jdb3tlc wrote
Reply to comment by TYMATO in 8 new restaurants are opening in Hampden. Yes, you read that right. by federal_thrill
It's not impossible not even close. It's just not anywhere close to a priority for this city, which can't even make the sidewalks it already has ADA compliant. New sidewalks? Forget about it.
They could at least clear the brush, but they don't. There is actually space for a shoulder but it's completely overgrown.
SaveFailsafe t1_jda5nqi wrote
Reply to comment by GingerMan027 in VIDEO: Cranes Pass Under Bay Bridge Leaving Port of Baltimore for Good by BMoreOnTheWater
They'll be there before the end of next week. No sweat. There's a canal that cuts across Florida, don't have to go all the way around.
SaveFailsafe t1_jd90qk7 wrote
Reply to comment by moderndukes in DON'T PARK IN BIKE LANES Due to the increased 311 reports in the area, we are increasing E Monument St between N Broadway & N Washington. by BmoreCityDOT
Yeah you're right. I totally interpreted it the other way
SaveFailsafe t1_jd850rt wrote
Reply to comment by Working_Falcon5384 in DON'T PARK IN BIKE LANES Due to the increased 311 reports in the area, we are increasing E Monument St between N Broadway & N Washington. by BmoreCityDOT
What about them? Don't park where parking isn't allowed. You may think "oh I'm only here a few minutes" but every other jerk parking in the bike lane has the same thought. All those "just a minute" stops add up to continual obstruction.
Imagine you wanted to drive your car, but a delivery truck has double parked and boxed you in. Okay, no big deal its only for a minute right? You can be patient for that long. Only, as soon as that delivery truck pulls away, another one comes and blocks you. And then another. All day long. You're stuck, forever, but no single person inconvenienced you for more than a minute.
And its worth mentioning that a lot of these bike lanes are designed to be wide enough for emergency vehicles to use in an emergency. If you've parked in the bike lane you've not only inconvenienced bikers and peds, you've potentially obstructed an emergency vehicle who was relying on that bike lane to respond to an emergency.
SaveFailsafe t1_j9wujga wrote
Reply to Is it so hard to consider others? by scromw2
They don't have their shit together so they can't possibly afford the bandwith to be mindful of the needs of others.
The lack of mindfulness transcends race, creed, and socio-economic status. There's people who are mindful, and there's people who are a fuckin' mess.
Now, let all the chaotic assholes out there tell me their life is totally under control and they just don't give a fuck because they're super tough and independent or something.
SaveFailsafe t1_j9dnqfn wrote
Reply to Hospital fee to see a dermatologist at John's Hopkins Outpatient facility? by HombreDeCamote
I was just there and I don't recall what my insurance did or didn't cover but I got a $73 bill after the fact. Considering I had minor surgery I thought it was a bargain. I didn't really read the fine print, sorry.
SaveFailsafe t1_j92up4m wrote
Reply to comment by Sensitive_Focus_5458 in Emergency Pandemic Fence permit advice by Sensitive_Focus_5458
No they will not.
SaveFailsafe t1_j7kedog wrote
Reply to Cool trick by amynoacid
What was wrong with the first container that it needed to be poured into another?
SaveFailsafe t1_j5yitw1 wrote
MICA has an internal jobs board for students and alumni called MICA Network. You can find it on the website or contact the office of career development to make s job posting.
SaveFailsafe t1_j4xjsh3 wrote
Reply to comment by WinkyTheFrog in Carjacker racks up traffic tickets in 2020, owner waits on City to clear them by Consumergal
Far too often victims of crime are revictimized by the system. Takes either media attention or councilperson involvement to make waves.
SaveFailsafe t1_j3x3i68 wrote
Reply to comment by atomlinson89 in Do Baltimore’s I-83 speed cameras actually work? City transportation officials say yes (some stats inside) by z3mcs
They need a camera at every entrance/exit that timestamps your plate and calculates your average speed when you exit. If average speed greater than speed limit then you get ticket. Too many people just slam on the brakes for the camera and then go right back to 80mph.
SaveFailsafe t1_j2bz9ip wrote
Reply to comment by ltong1009 in Hampden Bookbindery by ltong1009
Drive down Pacific and tell me honestly you think that poor road can handle more traffic.
I'm not saying they can't build, I just think the development needs to include a plan for the affect on the whole neighborhood, not just the plot of land itself. I.e., fix Pacific and Chestnut and find a better way to let people exit Singer onto Keswick.
Chestnut and Crittenton in particular are 2-way streets but only wide enough for 1 car at a time. It works right now because hardly anybody comes back here. It won't work if the population of these 2 square blocks triples. There needs to be a plan. It won't just magically work out.
Whats happening is that the idiot NIMBYers are mucking up the discourse and everyone is dismissing the concerns wholesale because "oh its more NIMBYS, whatever" but there are a few actual relevant concerns that need to be addressed and aren't "waaah don't build here"
SaveFailsafe t1_j2bv7r6 wrote
Reply to comment by ltong1009 in Hampden Bookbindery by ltong1009
The "city is too crowded" stuff is nonsense on it's face for sure, but the particular location of the bindery truly is tucked away behind a labyrinth of narrow one-way streets of rapidly deteriorating quality with extremely limited options for egress.
I'm not opposed to development but if they intend to park 150 more cars back here they need to have a plan for getting them in and out without backing up Keswick all the way to Sisson or seeing Pacific slide off the hill and into the Jones Falls from 1000% more daily use. It's halfway gone right now!
SaveFailsafe t1_j2bsjwy wrote
Reply to comment by mysinful in Just watched a car dump handfuls of trash out of their window as they drove through our hotel’s parking lot, they were less than 20 feet from a trash can that they could have reached without getting out of the car. This is why we can’t have nice things. by TheDiscoGodfather
Yeah I buy that reasoning for the people absent-mindedly dumping fast food wrappers in the gutter, but not for people who intentionally dump carfuls of trash like OP described. That's on a different level and speaks to a greater psychological dysfunction.
SaveFailsafe t1_j2b6dx4 wrote
Reply to Hampden Bookbindery by ltong1009
Basically it's not difficult or expensive to keep the chimney and preserve the ancestral resting spot of thousands of migratory birds, but it is slightly inconvenient so what's going to happen is the developer will make non-committal statements about preserving the chimney and then due to an "unfortunate accident" during construction the chimney will become unstable and have to be demolished and they won't face any repercussions whatsoever. Maybe they'll even get a tax credit for building housing.
SaveFailsafe t1_j1syyc6 wrote
Reply to comment by ExiledImages in Landowners got fed up after Google labeled their dirt farm access road as a substantial shortcut. by ExiledImages
Private land doesn't necessarily mean a private road. It could be a right of way. What stands out to me is the lack of "no trespassing" signs.
SaveFailsafe t1_j1rpe9g wrote
Reply to comment by MD_Weedman in Amber Alert last night by The_Waxies_Dargle
You can create exceptions for individual contacts. For example my phone is set to automatically go into Do Not Disturb mode after 10pm, but my wife, my mother, and my best friend will always make a ringtone no matter what.
SaveFailsafe t1_j1qs2fr wrote
Reply to comment by MD_Weedman in Amber Alert last night by The_Waxies_Dargle
Why is your phone not in do not disturb mode when you sleep?
SaveFailsafe t1_j1khxha wrote
Reply to comment by neutronicus in Eastern grid operator asking consumers to conserve electric use by Ghoghogol
Humidity can play a huge role in how cold or warm air feels. If you're still cold at 70 then something ain't right. Running your furnace that much could actually be drying out the air even more than it already is in the winter which will make it feel colder than it really is.
SaveFailsafe t1_j1b6g60 wrote
Reply to comment by SilentRhetoric in Announcing the Expansion of the Outdoor Dining Program by BmoreCityDOT
Like 1 day out of the year its not used for parking...c'mon let's be real. It's parking. Always has been.
SaveFailsafe t1_j19hvkf wrote
Reply to Looking for Oyster Knife before Xmas by Crlady
Tochtermans will have choices.
SaveFailsafe t1_je4mt7b wrote
Reply to comment by umbligado in Demolition proposal sparks debate in Hampden by locker1313
Wine Source was viable long before RoFo let them use the parking lot. And every other business on the Ave with literally ZERO parking spots also makes it work. It's the pedestrians that make the Ave profitable.
The RoFo parking lot was off limits for years. Only recently did they allow weekend and evening parking for Wine Source customers. Wine Source has parking right out front, which is very rare for the Ave. Obviously they don't want to move because nothing can beat the foot traffic of the Ave.
And that's the thing. Its the foot traffic that makes that spot good. Everyone knows it. If we start surrounding the Ave in parking lots it's not going to be walkable anymore.
Wine Source's proposal isn't unreasonable, but people are afraid of what the next parking lot will be. And the next and the next. It would be better if Wine Source would lead by example, if they're really such an anchor of the Ave.