
Scarlet_pot2 t1_j1sop4p wrote

To be brutally honest, when I daydream of the singularity its always me using the AIs to climb the social latter and have power over people. To be able to do what I want without repercussions. I guess the logic is the rich, powerful, early adopters, and people in the tech world will be the only ones with access to advanced AI, and the majority will be struggling due to automation. Captialism where the average person can't sell their labor is not good. A society with only the haves and have-nots.

Or when I picture it in a better scenario where everyone has access to AI, I picture myself spending a lot of time in FDVR. Not too much, like 2-5 hours a day. Then using nano tech in real life to change my body so I can be what I want. I'd keep my original body mostly the same just make it better, prettier, stronger, more durable. I'd have a second body of the opposite gender I could use when I want, not like transferring my consciousness but more like a neural implant where all of my senses go thru it and have full control of it so it's like a second body. Maybe give myself superpowers too because why not? Have you seen the movie transcendence, how the ASI guy used the nano particles in the air to do a bunch of crazy stuff? Like that. except being able to control the nano particles like gaara too. Other changes I'd make, titanium bones, subdermal armor, increased healing, no aging, increased strength, make eating optional. some aesthetic changes to body. Of course have meaningful relationships and an adventurous meaningful life would be a goal too.

I basically made a list of how I'd want the singularity to go, one for the bad case and one for the good case


Scarlet_pot2 t1_j1smx7h wrote

hard choice. Most realistic? AI for those who can afford it. Optimal? the AI communism sounds good until you get on the bad side of the majority, then you can lose everything. So you need to conform to live. The same argument can be made for the UBI for essentials though, without as much benefits for conforming. Trans-humanism will probably only be available to the people who can afford it + people hardcore enough to do it

Return to monke would be the religious / Amish / hippie types

AI technocracy would most likely only happen if the singularity went bad. I doubt people would willingly let an AI rule over them, at least for the first 100 years. Maybe a small community would try it first


Scarlet_pot2 t1_j1sm17d wrote

You're correct... but more efficient forms of transportation (like bullet trains) rely on community support, which could cause a slight bump in taxes. This would benefit most people, but 5% in taxes to the rich is a LOT of money. So it doesn't happen. Cars rely on a single person buying and owning them, so it's the go to choice for hard capitalist countries, like the US.

I'm not defending, just stating how it is. The rich set the rules here, so the rules are what benefits them.


Scarlet_pot2 t1_j1omn1i wrote

I'm not saying its impossible to get a SWE job without a degree or certs. But it puts you at a disadvantage. Why would a hiring manager choose someone without a CompSci Degree over someone with? Alot of times, The people with the degrees are the ones who actually get interviews.

And i saw a search on Indeed for SWE jobs, 17k asked for a Computer Science Degree, 11k asked for a Software Development degree.

Here is a study from July 2022 "73% of all Software Engineers have a bachelors degree"


Scarlet_pot2 t1_j1ol3le wrote

there was a study I saw awhile back, for software engineers around 92% had at least a bachelors degree. Sure if you want a level 1 tech IT repair job like geek squad or contract work, a cert with some experience is enough. I did that for a bit.

If you want a full time software engineer role that pays at least 60k+ a year, usually requires a degree.


Scarlet_pot2 t1_j1j6woh wrote

with endless courses online for any subject at a cheap price, education is already widely available. The problem is that credentials get you the job. If I wanted to be a software developer, I could learn to code in a year. Instead I have to spend 4-6 years getting a bachelors because that gets you the interview. Luckily ill be done in may.


Scarlet_pot2 t1_j0ou9yg wrote

finishing my bachelors in software dev in may, busy w that. But once more AIs come out in the future, I'd like to learn how to edit them. There is endless courses and materials to learn from the the internet. Just have to put in the time and effort

Like, when gpt4 or 5 comes out, then stability AIs open source version of that, maybe that one would be editable / worth editing


Scarlet_pot2 OP t1_j0mzmry wrote

I'd like to believe that society and economic standards will change, but the people in power will not want to give up the power they have. The people in power do not want change. Do you think any millionaire/billionaire wants a post capitalist world?

And our politicians / leaders are beholden to the rich. Unlimited donations have made sure that's the case. Legalized bribery. UBI maybe, but I dont see the system changing much, at least for a few decades. many people will probably have a rough time ahead.