ScaryProfessional711 t1_jeg3rkq wrote
That new Tetris movie came out today I think. You might check that one out. The trailer makes it look like there was this whole Mission Impossible secret op to break into Russia and smuggle the game back across enemy lines and release it to the masses. 😂 Was it really that serious.
ScaryProfessional711 t1_jeezdzi wrote
Surf Ninjas. Loved it as a kid. As an adult not so much.
ScaryProfessional711 t1_jednb6l wrote
Reply to What are some of your favourite comedy films from the 1990’s - Early 2010’s by Jeremyfurfaro
Black Sheep and Almost Heroes
ScaryProfessional711 t1_jdypmxp wrote
You think the same is true with porn? Some day a director will release an eight hour directors cut with extended scenes and bloopers?
ScaryProfessional711 t1_jdry40i wrote
Reply to Thoughts on Annihilation? by kczbrekker
Despite the low rating on IMDb I enjoyed both Mortal Kombat movies as a kid
ScaryProfessional711 t1_jdlndqp wrote
I imagine it's one of those odd jobs where it's hard to know how ppl get it. I used to work in a candy factory and always wondered where the candy taste testers applied for their position. Probably the same place where the ppl applied for the job to try out new toys. I've always wanted to know this as well.
ScaryProfessional711 OP t1_it4kyq3 wrote
Reply to comment by Spaghetti_Noodle1 in Why isn't legal movie downloading allowed? by ScaryProfessional711
It's actually cheaper. I'm currently buying up copies of animated movies because I have newborn nieces and nephews that will start watching them in the next couple of years. I pick up the discs on ebay used for $2-$5 on average. I checked Amazon and the same movies on Amazon are $3.99 to rent and $15-$20 to purchase. Physical media is cheaper and then you can just make digital copies for the kids to watch and keep the discs in a binder as backups.
ScaryProfessional711 OP t1_it2evb0 wrote
Reply to comment by raptors661 in Why isn't legal movie downloading allowed? by ScaryProfessional711
From my understanding the digital code was to access a file that lived on the cloud and was owned by the production company. You never actually got the file to download. I could be wrong though.
ScaryProfessional711 OP t1_it2e481 wrote
Reply to comment by IWishIHavent in Why isn't legal movie downloading allowed? by ScaryProfessional711
The problem with ripping discs is once they stop making movies on disc and go completely digital you no longer have access to new movies unless you go the rental route which is what it seems these studios are wanting.
ScaryProfessional711 OP t1_it2dmc3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why isn't legal movie downloading allowed? by ScaryProfessional711
Downloading a pirated movie. I'm too paranoid to download movies from somebody. Big brother might be watching.
ScaryProfessional711 OP t1_it1opy2 wrote
Reply to comment by Infamous_Yogurt2858 in Why isn't legal movie downloading allowed? by ScaryProfessional711
That's why I was asking about downloading movies vs downloading music. Downloading music is allowed but movies are not. Are they going to eventually make music the same way where music is basically just rented and listened to thru the media player of whatever platform you purchased it from and we will no longer be allowed to own any music files, movie files, video games, etc. Is this to be the future where you own nothing and only rent it until the platform you rented from or the creator decides they no longer want to rent it to you? Then you're SOL
ScaryProfessional711 OP t1_it1o62e wrote
Reply to comment by Badwolf_131 in Why isn't legal movie downloading allowed? by ScaryProfessional711
Do you actually own a universal file though? Can you play it through windows media player or is it only playable through itunes approved player? I've never used iTunes so I'm unfamiliar. Amazon allows for downloads but it's downloaded to their app that you install on your device so it's still tied to Amazon. You can't play the downloaded movie through any other media player.
ScaryProfessional711 OP t1_it1nr2p wrote
Reply to comment by Spaghetti_Noodle1 in Why isn't legal movie downloading allowed? by ScaryProfessional711
That's what I did. I don't buy any movies from Amazon anymore. Learned the hard way.
ScaryProfessional711 t1_jeh26px wrote
Reply to What are some weird movie age ratings, like films that don’t deserve this very mature age rating or something like that? by My_cat_is_sus
Jaws is rated PG and has nudity in it lol